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The Amsterdam School for Historical Studies (ASH) of the Faculty of Humanities currently has vacant Assistant Professor position as part of the research theme Languages and Cultures. For this position, we are looking for a motivated researcher and an accomplished teacher who has the ambition to develop an agenda for the changing narratives of language, the stories people tell about their languages and how these stories change in response to disruptions like forced and voluntary migration and the digital revolution.

In the context of the sector plan for the Humanities titled ‘Tradition in transition’, the Faculty currently has a vacant Assistant Professor position as part of the research theme Languages and Cultures. Within this research theme the focus is on strengthening the modern foreign language, by increasing the number of students whose programmes include language and culture components, while also enhancing the flow of students to teacher training for additional modern languages in secondary education. For this position, we are looking for a motivated researcher and an accomplished teacher who has the ambition to develop an agenda for the changing narratives of language, the stories people tell about their languages and how these stories change in response to disruptions like forced and voluntary migration and the digital revolution.