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ASH has two representatives: the PhD representative and the Postdoc representative. Below you can find more information about the roles and where to contact the representatives.

PhD representative: Elsa Lucassen

The PhD representative represents the interests of all PhD candidates within ASH. If you have questions or concerns relating to your wider PhD life, you are most welcome to contact the representative. Ideas for initiatives that may benefit the ASH PhD community are also warmly invited. The representative communicates regularly with the ASH leadership team and the Faculty of Humanities PhD council. The representative is also responsible for organising several social events throughout the year for members of the ASH PhD community.

Elsa Lucassen’s research project, part of the NWO-funded Lived Time project led by Dr Sofie Remijsen, is called ‘The Changing Festival Calendar in Late Antique Egypt’. She studies the way the immense changes of Late Antiquity, such as the rise of Christianity, influenced the festival calendar and the effect this had on the conviviality of culturally and religiously diverse groups. Before starting her PhD, she taught Latin and Greek at a secondary school in Amsterdam, having studied Classics at the University of Amsterdam.

Drs. E.A. (Elsa) Lucassen

Faculty of Humanities


Postdoc representative: Sanne van den Berg

The Postdoc representative represents the interests of all Postdocs within ASH. If you have questions or concerns relating to your wider Postdoc life, you are most welcome to contact the representative. Ideas for initiatives that may benefit the ASH Postdoc community are also warmly invited. The representative communicates regularly with the ASH leadership team. The representative is also responsible for organising several social events throughout the year for members of the ASH Postdoc community.

Sanne van den Berg obtained her PhD from the University of St Andrews in 2023 and has been a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Amsterdam since September 2023. She is a classicist and her project is part of the Anchoring Innovation Project (NWO Gravitation Grant), titled ‘Stylistic Anchoring in Flavian Epic’. Her project focuses on the style of death scenes in Flavian epic, using them as a starting point for a re-evaluation of Flavian style. She is always happy to grab a coffee with other postdocs to connect.

Dr. G.H. (Sanne) van den Berg

Faculty of Humanities

Capaciteitsgroep Griekse en Latijnse talen en culturen