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H.C. (Hedvig) Martin Ahlén

Hilma af Klint and the Art of Higher Dimensions - supervised by Dr Marco Pasi and Prof. Raphael Rosenberg

J.P.L.M. (Joris) Ammerlaan MA

1914-1915: “International Year of Peace” - supervised by Dr Samuël Kruizinga and Prof. Ruud Janssens

C.D. (Corey) Andrews MA

Pansophia: the Origins, History, and Symbolism of an Occult Philosophy - supervised by Dr Peter Forshaw and Dr Marco Pasi

Drs. S.H.J. (Susanne) Bartels MA

Mobility and socio-professional choices in the careers of early modern Dutch artists: Jacques de Gheyn II (1565-1629) and his milieu - supervised by Dr Elmer Kolfin and Prof. Frans Grijzenhout

M. (Morris) Beks MA

Ruling by acclamation. Legitimacy of the Eastern Roman Emperor during transfers of power from the 10th to the 12th century - supervides by Dr Martijn Icks and Prof. Danielle Slootjes

A. (Afke) Berger MA

The Association of Netherlands Municipalities and the local government in the Netherlands in times of war, crisis and reconstruction (1933-1948) - supervised by Prof. Peter Romijn and Dr Hinke Piersma

J.M. (John) Bezold

Frans Hals’ Sons & Studio: A Northern Netherlandish Painting Dynasty (1610-1690) - supervised by Prof. Frans Grijzenhout and Dr Elmer Kolfin

K.J.I. (Kerrewin) van Blanken MA

Ambassadors in Print: Public Diplomacy in Franco-Dutch Relations - supervised by Dr Helmer Helmers and Prof. Geert Janssen

Drs. M.D. (Margreet) Boomkamp MA

Vier case-studies naar Italiaanse beeldhouwkunst uit de de 19de-eeuw - supervised by Prof. Frits Scholten and Prof. Gert Jan van der Sman

L.A.S. (Lola) Bos

Staged Narrative as an Anchoring Device: Narratology, Intermediality and Cognition in Sophocles’ - supervised by Prof. Irene de Jong and Prof. Andre Lardinois

S.C.J.R. (Sebastiaan) Broere MA

Decolonizing Knowledge: Postcoloniality and The Making of Modern Indonesia’s Knowledge Culture, 1945-1970 - supervised by Prof. Remco Raben and Prof. Bert Theunisse

J.E. (Chaim) Burman

The conceptualisation and application of truth-telling theory in contemporary rabbinic discourse and practice - supervised by Prof. Irene Zwiep and Dr Yaniv Hagbi

H.S. (Holden) Carroll MPhil

‘Tuning into the United Nations Radio Archive, 1946–1980’ - supervised by Dr Houssine Alloul and Dr Melvin Wevers

O. (Osman) Ciner MA

The Translation of the Geoponica from Greek into Arabic: Analysis and Assessment of its Place in the Abassid translation movement - supervised by Prof. Gerard Wiegers, Prof. Faustina Aerts and Dr Nanne Joosse

R. (Rafik) Dahman

Non-Muslims in the Eyes of Islam, non-Muslims in the Eyes of Muslims: a Comparative Research between Islamic Legal Formality and daily reality - supervised by Prof. Gerard Wiegers and Dr Martijn de Koning

K.M. (Kevan) DeCuypere MPhil

Joyce’s Chimera: Bare Life, Posthuman Politics, and the Ethical Philosophy of Ulysses - supervised by Dr Nicholas Carr and Prof. Esther Peeren

B.A.J.T. (Birgit) Dukers MA MSc

Medieval town houses along the Meuse river in the present province of Limburg, the Netherlands - supervised by Prof. Gabri van Tussenbroek and Prof. Dirk de Vries

G. (Gert) Eijkelboom

Het architectenbureau A.L., J.G. en A.D.N. van Gendt - supervised by Prof. Lex Bosman, Dr Petra Brouwer and Dr Gerrit Vermeer

Mr. drs. H.S. (Harry) Eisenberger

De Verenigde Staten als immigratieland en dan in het bijzonder de wijze waarop de overheid omgaat met nieuwkomers/minderheden dit vanuit historisch perspectief met de stad Boston als casestudy - supervised by Prof. Ruud Janssens

M.B. (Mariëlle) Ekkelenkamp MA

For the Love of Art? Female Patronage in Dutch Art Foundations, 1870-1940 - supervised by Dr Rachel Esner and Dr Danielle van den Heuvel

E.L. (Ezra) Engelsberg

On Stage, in the World: Identity and Community in Jewish-German Theatre, 1800-1871 - supervised by Prof. Irene Zwiep and Prof. Ton Nijhuis

Drs. D. (David) van Gent MA

Nederland en de totstandkoming van het Suezkanaal, 1846-1876 - supervised by Prof. Remieg Aerts and Dr Houssine Alloul

B.J.K. (Bregje) Gerritse

The Reception of Vincent van Gogh in Paris 1886-1914: Art Dealers, Collectors and critics - supervised by Dr Rachel Esner and Prof. Louis van Tilborgh

B.S. (Benjamin) Hirschfeld MA

A history of the use of anthropological knowledge by military intelligence - supervised by Prof. Ton Nijhuis and Prof. Elizabeth Buettner

B.C. (Boris) Hoetjes MA

Amniguïteit als verankerde innovatie in Vergilius - supervised by Prof. Irene de Jong and Dr Suzanne Adema

H.M.A. (Hendrika) van het Hoofd

Education and Identity within the Jewish Community of Amsterdam 1857-1940 - supervised by Prof. Irene Zwiep

K.M.W. (Kevin) Hoogeveen MA

The peasant’s potent move. Internal migration and the socio-economic transformation of Egypt, 284-642 CE - supervised by Dr. S. Remijsen and Prof. Dr. D. Slootjes

T.D. (Tjalling) Janssen

Envoys of the Macrocosm: Elemental Beings & the Relationship Between Humans & the Natural World in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Thought - supervised by Prof. Wouter Hanegraaff and Dr Peter Forshaw

R. (Rosa) de Jong MA

From European ports to Caribbean homes: Second World War refugees in global transit - supervised by Prof. Peter Romijn and Prof. Rosemarijn Hoefte

J.A. (Junia) Kattrup MA

- supervised by Prof. dr. Daniëlle Slootjes, dr. Liana Saif and Dr. Dylan Burns

E. (Eva) van Kemenade

Political communication through discourse and urban space: popular festive rituals in early modern Lyon and Bologna - supervised by Prof. Geert Janssen, Prof. David Lines and Prof. Ingrid de Smet (Joint Doctorate with Warwick)

J.F. (Jeroen) Kemperman

Onderzoek naar de gemeente Amsterdam in de periode 1930-1950. Eindrapportage - supervised by Prof. Peter Romijn and Dr Hinke Piersma

L.M. (Lotte) Knijn MA

- supervised by Dr. Berenice Verhelst, Prof dr. Caroline Kroon and C. Forstall (Mt. Allison University, Canada)

L. (Lisa) Koks MA

The ‘white nigger’ in action: emotional mobilization and political symbols in independence movements in Québec (1963-1975) and Northern Ireland (1969-1997) - supervised by Prof. Elizabeth Buettner and Dr Natalie Scholz

Drs. T. (Takako) Kondo MA

Art Beyond Japan: Contemporary Art in the Politics of Translation - supervised by Hanneke Grootenboer

M.W. (Marin) Kuijt MA

Colonial Carbon: How Empire shaped the Dutch Fossil-Fuel Economy - supervised by Prof. Remco Raben

I.F. (Imme) Laseur

Livy as a Stylistic Anchor - Supervised by Prof. dr. Caroline Kroon/Dr. Lidewij van Gils

A.M. (Anna) Lawrence

Survival of the Feminine. Fluctuations in the value, reputation and collecting practices of art made by women in the Netherlands, 1600-1900 - supervised by Prof. Frans Grijzenhout and Dr Judith Noorman

J. (Julia) van Leeuwen MA

- supervised by Dr Mario Damen

Drs. I.R. (Ian) Lewis

Interpreting Political Architecture: Parliament Buildings in Asia. Models, Transfers and Appropriations in the 20th Century - supervised by Prof. Remieg Aerts and Dr Petra Brouwer

A. (Amine) Oulad Lmaroudia

Primers, Preachers and Perception: Ibn Ashir and the Transfer of Religious Texts - supervised by Prof. Gerard Wiegers and Dr Martijn de Koning

Drs. E.A. (Elsa) Lucassen

Socializing at the Kalends: the role festivals played within diverse social groups in the changing religious environment of Late Antique Egypt - supervised by Dr. Sofie Remijsen and Prof. dr. Daniëlle Slootjes

T. (Tigran) Martirosyan

History of a military campaign in the Middle Eastern theatre of World War I - supervised by Prof. Wim Klinkert and Dr Samuel Kruizinga

J.E. (Annelies) van der Meij MA

Faculty of Humanities


Mr. E.C.A. (Erik) Meijer MA

Een Maritieme Paradox: het grootse denken bij de Koninklijke Marine verklaard, 1939 - 1955 - supervised by Prof. Wim Klinkert and Dr Anita van Dissel

K.L.O. (Oeds) van Middelkoop MA

Op zoek naar een didactiek voor dieper begrip van literair-historische teksten in de vwo-bovenbouw - supervised by Prof. Lia van Gemert and Dr Erwin Mantingh

A. (Anne) van Mourik

Heritages of Hunger: Conflicting legacies of Hunger in Germany - supervised by Prof. Peter Romijn and Prof. M. Corporaal

I.S. (Izanna) Mulder

L’Atelier des Delâtre: Artisanal Experiments and Artistic Expertise

M. (Mriganka) Mukhopadhyay MA

Occultism in the Orient: Dissemination of the Theosophical Ideas in Bengal and the Role of Bengali Theosophists - supervised by Prof. Wouter Hanegraaff and Dr Marco Pasi

S. (Sumihiro) Oki MA

Konrad Witz and the Visuality in the Era of the Council of Basel - supervised by Prof. Hugo van der Velden and Dr Machtelt Brüggen Israëls

Drs. P.S. (Pauline) Onderwater

Citizenship, government and society in the Netherlands during the First World War, 1900-1925 - supervised by Prof. Elizabeth Buettner and Dr Samuel Kruizinga

W.M. (Willem) Ooms

Maritieme Handelsbescherming 1945-2018 - supervised by Prof. Wim Klinkert and Dr Anselm van der Peet

E.J. (Emma) Post MA

A league of their own: women diplomats in the League of Nations’ fight against sex trafficking (1921-1945)

M. (Marleen) Puyenbroek

Working from Home. Women as Professionals in the Household and the Art Market of the Dutch Republic, 1580-1720 - supervised by Dr Judith Noorman and Prof. Frans Grijzenhout

R. (Rukayyah) Reichling MA

Mecca between photography, phonography and motion picture in the colonial period - supervised by Prof. Gerard Wiegers and Prof. Amr Ryad

H. (Hugo) Schalkwijk MA

The Struggle to Reform Nursing Roles in the Netherlands, 1970 – 2020 - supervised by Prof. Manon Parry and Prof. Lisette Schoonhoven

A.K. (Anna-Rose) Shack

Languages of Vulnerability in Early Modern Women’s Poetry - supervised by Prof. C. Clarckson and Dr Kristine Johanson

R. (Raoul) van Stipriaan Luïscius

- supervised by Prof. dr. Peter van Dam, dr. Tim Verlaan and dr. Petra Brouwer

S.V. (Vany) Susanto

Colonial Citizens? Petitioning for Legislation in Early Modern Batavia - supervised by Dr Danielle van den Heuvel and Prof. Remco Raben

M. (Mariël) Urbanus MA

Prestige and Privacy in the Houses of the Dutch Republic (1710 – 1790) - supervised by Prof. Lex Bosman and Prof. Gabri van Tussenbroek

K. (Koen) Vacano MA

- supervised by Dr Mark Heerink and Prof. Maarten Depourcq

L. (Lena) Vercauteren

- supervised Prof. Dr. K. Röttger, Dr. K. Lech, Stalpaert (Gent), Roose (Gent)

S.M.C. (Maroesjka) Verhagen MA

Feeding the city: A bird’s-eye view of Amsterdam’s food supply from its hinterlands, c. 1550-1800 - supervised by Dr Danielle van den Heuvel and Dr Djoeke van Netten

F. (Frans) Vermeiren

Een revisie van de chronologie van het ontstaan van het Christendom en de daaruit volgende lezing van het Nieuwe Testament als een collectie gecodeerde anti-Romeinse geschriften, met de eerste Joods-Romeinse oorlog als kerngebeurtenis - supervised by Prof. Jan Willem van Henten and Dr M. Klinker-De Klerck

J.Y. (Jung) Yang

Epithalamic Images The portrayal of marriage in seventeenth-century Dutch culture - supervised by Prof. Frans Grijzenhout, Dr Marten Jan Bok and Dr Jeroen Jansen

C. (Channa) Zaccai MSc

'We are here': Israelis in the Netherlands between 1960 and 2020. A study of citizenship, identity and belonging - supervised by Prof. Bart Wallet and Prof. Irene Zwiep

E. (Ester) Zoomer MA

Economic diplomats: Hansards in Bruges, Antwerp and London (c.1350-1570) - supervised by Dr Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz and Prof. Guy Geltner