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C. (Channa) Zaccai MSc

Ph.D. candidate
Faculty of Humanities
Onderzoek FGw

Visiting address
  • Binnengasthuisstraat 9
  • Room number: 2.04
Postal address
  • Postbus 1605
    1000 BP Amsterdam
Contact details
Social media
  • Bio

    Channa Zaccai is a PhD candidate in Jewish history, where she studies the migration history of Israeli Jews in the Netherlands from 1950 to 2025, using archival research and oral history. Her research stemmed from her master thesis where she studied experiences and narratives of belonging of Israeli female combat soldiers to the Jewish nation-state. Channa is also Principcal Researcher of the study "Memories of the Holocaust in Jewish families" (in Dutch) within the project "War and freedom in three generations" for the Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei. In addition, she teaches the course Introduction to Area Studies to Hebrew and Arabic language students. Previously, Channa taught social science at the University of Utrecht, where she obtained her bachelor's degree in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences with a minor in Conflict studies and Human rights (2009). She graduated with a double master's degree in Sociology (Gender studies) and Political Science (Conflict studies) at the University of Amsterdam (2012). Research interests include diaspora and migration studies, Jewish history, Israel studies, gender, society and politics.

  • Publications


    • Zaccai, C. (2024). ‘We dachten allemaal als David Ben-Gurion in het begin’. De eerste Israëli’s in Nederland, 1950-1970. ARGOS, Bulletin van het Veternair Historisch Genootschap, 7(70), 368-373. Article 2.


    • Zaccai, C. (2013). Belonging to the Jewish nation: Life stories of Israeli female combat soldiers. Journal for Advances in Gender Research: Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence: Part A, 18A, 137-164. Article 1.


    • Zaccai, C. (2012). Blurring Sexual Binaries: Men, Masculinities and the Israeli Military. Amsterdam Social Science, 4(2), 33-58.

    Media appearance

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  • Ancillary activities
    • Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei
      Coördinerend onderzoeker deelstudie Joodse families (onderzoek in opdracht)