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The ASH Dissertation Award is presented every other year to the author of the best doctoral dissertation of the Amsterdam School of Historical Studies. The award is accompanied by a prize of € 500.

Previous award winners are:


Bob Pierik (History): Urban life on the move: gender and mobility in early modern Amsterdam

*= only one prize was awarded for dissertations completed in the academic years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022


Josephine van den Bent (History) - Mongols in Mamluk Eyes 

Sander Govaerts (History) - Mosasaurs: interactions between armies and ecosystems in the Meuse region, 1250-1850


Jaap Cohen (History) - De onontkoombare afkomst van Eli d’Oliveira. Een Portugees-Joodse familiegeschiedenis (also published by Querido; Amsterdam 2015)