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Jaap Cohen received the ASCH dissertation award 2014-2015 for his dissertation “De onontkoombare afkomst van Eli d’Oliveira. Een Portugees-Joodse familiegeschiedenis” (also published by Querido; Amsterdam 2015) on 25 June 2015 at the ASCH end of term event and awards ceremony.

From 2009 until 2014 Cohen carried out his PhD research at the NIOD, under the supervision of Prof. Hans Blom and Prof. Evelien Gans and with the support of the UvA and Stichting Conto. The investigation comprises a history of Portuguese Jews (Sephardim) in the Netherlands, focusing on the history of the Jessurun d’Oliveira family. The summary of the dissertation can be found here.

Cohen is praised for his in-depth archival research and sophisticated analysis, which covers a wide range of themes over a period of four centuries. His writing skills are considered to be excellent, altogether making it a book you can't put down.

About the award

The ASCH dissertation award is presented annually to the author of the best doctoral dissertation of the Amsterdam School of Culture and History. The award is accompanied by a prize of € 500.

Geert Janssen presents the award to Jaap Cohen; photo by Brigit van der Pas