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Kazan, Cairo, and Córdoba is an ASH-ARTES research group on Islam, culture and society.


Prof. dr. G.A. (Gerard) Wiegers

Faculty of Humanities


Dr. G.R. (Gulnaz) Sibgatullina

Faculty of Humanities

Europese studies

Dr. R.A.F.L. (Robbert) Woltering

Faculty of Humanities

Capaciteitsgroep Semitische talen en culturen

Research description

This research group aims to bring together researchers in the field of Islam who are active within the research schools ASH and ARTES. Participation in this group does not preclude continuing affiliations with other, already existing groups in ASH or ARTES.

Islam is conceived as an interdisciplinary field in which PhD students and scholars from different backgrounds come together.  It proposes to study of Islam, culture, and society in the interdisciplinary perspective of Middle Eastern Studies, History, European Studies, and Religious Studies.

The researchers focus on the MENA region as well as on Asia, Russia, Europe and the Americas. It is open to a wide time frame, and to a wide range of regional and disciplinary specialisations (from Arabic, Hebrew and Russian studies to philosophy and art studies), hence its title.

Research Goals

  • provide a stimulating research environment for Senior Staff, PhDs and Postdocs, primarily for, but not limited to ASH and ARTES researchers,
  • increase the quality and visibility of the study of Islam and the Islamic World at the University of Amsterdam. We have very good and successful researchers and networks such as ACMES, but there is no an overarching research group that provides a stimulating and engaging connection between our individual and collective ongoing research projects,
  • promote a fruitful and stimulating connection between research and teaching in the field of the Study of Islam, Culture and Society across different BA, MA, and Research Ma programmes at UvA (e.g. European Studies, Religious Studies, History, and Middle Eastern Studies),
  • promote and stimulate grant applications


  • work-in-progress meetings and (elements of) grant applications in progress every two months basis. (Work-in-progress seminar).
  • lectures by invited guest speakers
  • yearly one-day workshop  
  • brief yearly group update and news about its activities
  • coorperations with local, national and international networks and research schools, such as ACMES, and the Netherlands Interuniversity Research School for Islamic Studies (NISIS)
  • outreach to the general public with special activities.