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Dr. M.P. (Mathieu) de Bakker

Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Griekse en Latijnse talen en culturen
Photographer: Anneke Dekker

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 1
Postal address
  • Postbus 94203
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • de Bakker, M. (2024). Review–discussion: Interpreting and contextualising the Histories: [Review of: E. Bowie (2018) Herodotus: Narrator. Scientist. Historian; T. Harrison, E. Irwin (2018) Interpreting Herodotus]. Histos, 18, LXXX-XCII. [details]


    • de Bakker, M. (2022). Herodotus, Historian of Emotions. In M. de Bakker, B. van den Berg, & J. Klooster (Eds.), Emotions and Narrative in Ancient Literature and Beyond: Studies in Honour of Irene de Jong (pp. 368-380). (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 451). Brill. [details]
    • de Bakker, M. (2022). Herodotus. In M. de Bakker, & I. J. F. de Jong (Eds.), Speech in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 197-222). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 5), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 448). Brill. Advance online publication. [details]
    • de Bakker, M. (2022). Later Orators. In M. de Bakker, & I. J. F. de Jong (Eds.), Speech in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 499-536). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 5), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 448). Brill. Advance online publication. [details]
    • de Bakker, M. P. (2022). STRABON AND THE EDGES OF THE OIKOUMENĒ. In S. L. Sørensen (Ed.), Sine fine: Studies in honour of Klaus Geus on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday (pp. 73-104). Franz Steiner Verlag.
    • de Bakker, M., & de Jong, I. (2022). Epilogue: Speech in Ancient Greek Narrative. In M. de Bakker, & I. J. F. de Jong (Eds.), Speech in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 743-745). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 5), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 448). Brill. Advance online publication. [details]
    • de Bakker, M., & de Jong, I. (2022). Introduction: Narratological Theory on Speech. In M. de Bakker, & I. J. F. de Jong (Eds.), Speech in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 1-30). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 5), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 448). Brill. Advance online publication. [details]
    • de Bakker, M., & de Jong, I. J. F. (Eds.) (2022). Speech in Ancient Greek Literature. (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 5), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 448). Brill. Advance online publication. [details]
    • de Bakker, M., van den Berg, B., & Klooster, J. (2022). Introduction: The Narratology of Emotions in Ancient Literature. In M. de Bakker, B. van den Berg, & J. Klooster (Eds.), Emotions and Narrative in Ancient Literature and Beyond: Studies in Honour of Irene de Jong (pp. 1-24). (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 451). Brill. [details]
    • de Bakker, M., van den Berg, B., & Klooster, J. (Eds.) (2022). Emotions and Narrative in Ancient Literature and Beyond: Studies in Honour of Irene de Jong. (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 451). Brill. [details]




    • de Bakker, M. (2019). A Narratological Comparison of Herodotus and Diodorus on Thermopylae. In L. van Gils, I. de Jong, & C. Kroon (Eds.), Textual Strategies in Ancient War Narrative: Thermopylae, Cannae and beyond (pp. 54-90). (Amsterdam studies in classical philology; Vol. 29). Brill. [details]
    • de Bakker, M., & van der Keur, M. (2019). Thermopylae and Cannae: How One Battle Narrative Enriches Another. In L. van Gils, I. de Jong, & C. Kroon (Eds.), Textual Strategies in Ancient War Narrative: Thermopylae, Cannae and beyond (pp. 319-341). (Amsterdam studies in classical philology; Vol. 29). Brill. [details]
    • van Emde Boas, E., Rijksbaron, A., Huitink, L., & de Bakker, M. (2019). The Cambridge Grammar of Classical Greek. Cambridge University Press. [details]


    • de Bakker, M. (2018). Herodotus over tirannen, plutocraten en demagogen: Leestips rondom het examenpensum Herodotus 2019. Lampas, 51(3), 275-284. [details]
    • de Bakker, M. (2018). Herodotus. In K. De Temmerman, & E. van Emde Boas (Eds.), Characterization in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 135-152). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 4), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 411). Brill. [details]
    • de Bakker, M. (2018). Lysias. In K. De Temmerman, & E. van Emde Boas (Eds.), Characterization in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 409-427). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 4), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 411). Brill. [details]



    • de Bakker, M. (2015). An Uneasy Smile: Herodotus on Maps and the Question of How to View the World. In E. Barker, S. Bouzarovski, C. Pelling, & L. Isaksen (Eds.), New Worlds from Old Texts: Revisiting Ancient Space and Place (pp. 81-99). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • de Bakker, M. (2015). Explaining the End of an Empire: The Use of Ancient Greek Religious Views in Late Byzantine Historiography. Histos, Suppl. 4, 127-171. Advance online publication. [details]
    • de Bakker, M. (2015). Herodotus on Being 'Good': Characterization and Explanation. In R. Ash, J. Mossman, & F. B. Titchener (Eds.), Fame & Infamy: Essays for Christopher Pelling on Characterization in Greek and Roman Biography and Historiography (pp. 53-66). Oxford University Press. [details]




    • de Bakker, M. (2010). Herodotus en andere culturen. Lampas, 43(3), 284-289. [details]
    • de Bakker, M. (2010). Oosterse helden in Herodotus' Historiën. Lampas, 43(3), 219-234. [details]



    • de Bakker, M. (2022). Herodotus en de droom van Xerxes: Een onbegrepen boodschap. In M. de Bakker, & J. van Rookhuijzen (Eds.), Xerxes' droom: De lange schaduw van zijn Griekse veldtocht (pp. 81-92). (Zenobiareeks; Vol. 8). Verloren. [details]
    • de Bakker, M., & van Rookhuijzen, J. (Eds.) (2022). Xerxes' droom: De lange schaduw van zijn Griekse veldtocht. (Zenobiareeks; Vol. 8). Verloren. [details]
    • de Bakker, M., & van Rookhuizen, J. (2022). Inleiding. In M. de Bakker, & J. van Rookhuijzen (Eds.), Xerxes' droom: De lange schaduw van zijn Griekse veldtocht (pp. 9-14). (Zenobiareeks; Vol. 8). Verloren. [details]


    • de Bakker, M. P., Broekroelofs, I., Chaudron, P-P., van Duijn, A., nijk, A., Verheij, H., Verheij, M., Visser, P., & van Waarde, T. (2021). Argo. Grieks. Taal & Cultuur. Vijfde leerjaar. Staal & Roeland BV.
    • de Bakker, M. P., Broekroelofs, I., Chaudron, P-P., van Duijn, A., nijk, A., Verheij, H., Verheij, M., Visser, P., & van Waarde, T. (2021). Argo. Vijfde leerjaar. Docentenhandleiding. Staal & Roeland BV.
    • de Bakker, M., & van Nijf, O. (2021). Van de gastredactie. Lampas, 54(1), 7-9. [details]




    Journal editor


    • de Bakker, M. P. (2007). Speech and authority in Herodotus' Histories. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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