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Dr J.M.C. (Josephine) van den Bent

Medieval History
Faculty of Humanities
Photographer: Vincent van Ee

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
Postal address
  • Postbus 1610
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Josephine van den Bent is assistant professor in medieval history. She received her PhD in history from the UvA (2020), with a dissertation entitled 'The Mongols in Mamluk Eyes: Representing Ethnic Others in the Medieval Middle East'. 


    My dissertation analysed the representation of the Mongols in the Mamluk sultanate of Egypt and Syria, and the ways in which contemporary scholars were involved in processes of ethnic identification, categorisation and othering and the ways in which such representations of the Mongols were used for various purposes in response to, and in interaction with, the sultanate’s complex ethnic and political contexts. My current research builds on that, focusing on the construction of ethnicity in the medieval Middle East. I am also a postdoctoral researcher in a project on water management in the medieval Middle East, where I focus on the cities of Baghdad, Basra and Mosul.


    • Verdiepingsvak II
    • Middeleeuwse geschiedenis
    • De wereld op straat
  • Publications


    • van den Bent, J. M. C., & Isoldi, A. (2024). Pleasing God, Serving the Citizens: Charity and Water Supply in Baghdad and Cairo. In E. R. R. F. A. M. D. B. D. B. (Ed.), City, Citizen, Citizenship 400-1500: A Comparative Approach (pp. 199-229). Palgrave Macmillan.


    • van den Bent, J. M. C. (2022). Mongols in the Mamluk Sultanate. In M. Hope, & T. May (Eds.), The Mongol World (pp. 855-871). Routledge.


    • van den Bent, J. M. C. (2021). Mongol Origins in Mamluk Texts: An Origo Gentis in Ibn al-Dawādārī’s Durar al-Tījān and Kanz al-Durar. Mamlūk Studies Review, 24, 37-67.
    • van den Bent, J. M. C., van den Eijnde, F., & Weststeijn, J. K. (2021). Late Antique Responses to the Arab Conquests. Brill Nijhoff.



    • van den Bent, J. (2018). Vrouwen op muren: Diversiteit in (post-)revolutionaire Egyptische graffiti. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 131(1), 119-141. [details]
    • van den Bent, J., Woltering, R., & Van de Wijngaert, L. (2018). Representations of the West in Post-Mubarak Egypt. In M. Del Fiol, & C. C. Mitatre (Eds.), Les Occidents des mondes arabes et musulmans: Afrique du nord. XIXe-XXIe siècles (pp. 225-237). Geuthner. [details]



    • van den Bent, J. M. C. (2024). “Anne Dunlop, ed., The Mongol Empire in Global History and Art History. Florence: I Tatti – The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies/Rome: Officina Libraria, 2023,”. Asian Review of World Histories, 12, 111-113.


    • Baars, R. M., & van den Bent, J. M. C. (2022). 1672. Het Rampjaar in Aleppo. In L. Heerma van Voss, & N. Bouras (Eds.), Nog meer wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland (pp. 265-270). Amsterdam.
    • van den Bent, J. M. C. (2022). Recreating the Medieval Globe. Acts of Recycling, Revision and Relocation. Medieval Encounters, 28(1), 113-119.


    • van den Bent, J., van den Eijnde, F., & Weststeijn, J. (2018). Inleiding. In J. van den Bent, F. van den Eijnde, & J. Weststeijn (Eds.), Mohammed en de Late Oudheid (pp. 9-24). (Zenobiareeks; Vol. 6). Verloren. [details]
    • van den Bent, J., van den Eijnde, F., & Weststeijn, J. (Eds.) (2018). Mohammed en de Late Oudheid. (Zenobiareeks; Vol. 6). Hilversum: Verloren. [details]


    • Van den Bent, J. (2015). Fighting for Female Voices in a Patriarchal Society: Women's Activism in (Post-)revolutionary Egypt. Yearbook for Women’s History , 35, 57-67. [details]




    • van den Bent, J., & Hart, T. (Eds.) (2020). Jeruzalem, Jeroesjalajiem, Al-Quds: De heilige stad door de eeuwen heen. (Zenobiareeks; Vol. 7). Verloren. [details]


    • van den Bent, J., van den Eijnde, F., & Weststeijn, J. (2016). Mohammed en de late oudheid. ZemZem, 12(2), 91-107. [details]

    Talk / presentation

    • van den Bent, J. (speaker) (8-2-2022). Joseph vs. Yusuf. What the Reuse of a Biblical Narrative tells us about the Quran, GHD Ubbo Emmius (Groningen).


    • van den Bent, J. (participant) (21-8-2023 - 25-8-2023). The Tenth European Conference of Iranian Studies, Leiden. Paper title: “Ilkhanids in Mamluk Eyes” (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van den Bent, J. (participant) (19-9-2022). Workshop at the Netherlands Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Riyadh (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
      Postdoctoraal onderzoeker en docent
    • Radboud Universiteit