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Dr. L.W. (Lidewij) van Gils

Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Griekse en Latijnse talen en culturen

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 1
Postal address
  • Postbus 94203
    1090 GE Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Personal information

    Lidewij van Gils is Assistant Professor of Latin, previously employed at the Vrije Universiteit, and since 2020 at the University of Amsterdam. She develops and teaches courses on the Latin Language and Culture and actively participates in interdisciplinary education in the bachelor and master programmes of the Amsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies and Archaeology (ACASA). You can contact her for supervision of theses at bachelor, master and PhD level on literary, linguistic or didactic topics. She is also leading a national programme in the Didactics of Classics (Meesterschap) and as such initiates and supports research and outreach activities in this field (see also OIKOS Platform Classics & Education.

    After her studies of Classics at the Vrije Universiteit she obtained her PhD at the same university in 2009 with a dissertation on the narrationes in Cicero’s forensic speeches. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of California at Santa Barbara in 2004 and she has combined her studies as a graduate student and as a PhD student with teaching (Latin and Greek in secondary education, Latin Literature and Linguistics at various Dutch universities and Italian at the Società Dante Alighieri). Together with other Ciceronian scholars she publishes regularly on Cicero´s life, rhetoric and speeches for a wide audience. Her academic research is mainly focused on communicative strategies in classical Latin prose authors, for which she makes use of pragmatics, politeness theories and cognitive linguistics. As an expert in linguistic approaches to classical languages, she is involved in the award winning research programme Anchoring Innovation. In 2017 she was elected Teacher of the Year at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam where she has been assistant professor from 2010 to 2020.


    In her research, Van Gils focuses on (1) the use of the Latin language in classical prose and (2) effective teaching of Classical languages and cultures.

    The first focus places her work in the field of rhetoric and discourse-pragmatic approaches to language combined with insights from adjacent fields like narratology, cognitive linguistics and sociolinguistics. The University of Amsterdam has a strong tradition on precisely these interconnected fields which is why she has initiated together with Irene de Jong and Caroline Kroon a Research Lab of Greek and Latin scholars with frequent online meetings, currently organized by Merlijn Breunesse and Luuk Huitink. A PhD-project on Late Antique citizenship discourses by Merel de Bruin is supervised by Lidewij van Gils together with Els Rose (promotor). The combined narratological and discourse-pragmatic approach to ancient Greek and Latin prose has recently led to a volume on Textual Strategies in Greek and Latin war narrative (2018, edited by Van Gils, De Jong & Kroon).

    For the project Anchoring Innovation Van Gils studies common ground management in Cicero’s epistolary corpus. The concept of common ground has brought together a number of Latin linguists in an international workshop on Communicative Anchoring in Latin, organized by Chiara Fedriani, Lidewij van Gils, Federica Iurescia, Caroline Kroon and Luis Unceta during the International Colloquium of Latin Linguistics (2019 in Las Palmas) of which the Proceedings are due in 2021. Together with Chiara Fedriani Lidewij van Gils investigates dialogical elements in Cicero’s letters as part of the project Conversation Analysis and Classics led by Rodrigo Verano.

    The second research focus is on Didactics of Classical Languages and Cultures. Research topics include inclusivity of the curriculum (Conference Shared Antiquity), active Latin and Greek, translating in the classroom (postgraduate education), interdisciplinary didactics and transferable skills in humanities. The complex didactics of interdisciplinary education at secondary school is the topic of a PhD-project by Sandra Karten, supervised by Lidewij van Gils and Casper de Jonge.

  • Publications


    • van Gils, L. (2024). At the gymnasium through your football buddy's aunt. Accessibility of classical education in the Netherlands. Journal of Classics Teaching, 25(49), 52-55. [details]
    • van Gils, L. W., & Kroon, C. H. M. (2024). Conversational strategies in non-conversational texts: the communicative structure of Cicero’s Fourth Catilinarian. In C. Cabrillana (Ed.), Recent Trends and Findings in Latin Linguistics: Volume I: Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics. Volume II: Semantics and Lexicography. Discourse and Dialogue (pp. 667-684). De Gruyter.
    • van Gils, L., & Henzel, R. (2024). Luxuria peregrina (Livy 39.6): Spolia and Rome’s Gastronomic Revolution. In I. J. F. de Jong, & M. J. Versluys (Eds.), Reading Greek and Hellenistic-Roman Spolia: Objects, Appropriation and Cultural Change (pp. 147-169). (Euhormos. Greco-Roman studies in Anchoring Innovation; Vol. 5). Brill. [details]


    • Adema, S., Baumann, H., van Gils, L., Karten, S., & Schulz, V. (2023). ''Latein in interdisziplinären Lehrplänen'': Ergebnisse eines deutsch-niederländischen Austauschs (Universität Leiden, 5. April 2023). Forum Classicum, 2023(2), 134-140. [details]
    • Breunesse, M., & van Gils, L. (2023). Cicero and Political Agency in Late-Republican Rome. In S. Castelli, & I. Sluiter (Eds.), Agents of Change in the Greco-Roman and Early Modern Periods (pp. 129-147). (Euhormos. Greco-Roman studies in Anchoring Innovation; Vol. 4). Brill. [details]
    • van Gils, L. W. (2023). Mediating the message. Micromarketing in Cicero’s correspondence. Manuscript submitted for publication. In Mediated Cicero: Reception of Cicero’s life and work of the 50s Bloomsbury.
    • van Gils, L. W., & Fedriani, C. (2023). Reported conversation in Cicero’s letters: a conversation-analytic account. Manuscript submitted for publication. In The Fundamentals of Greek and Latin conversation Brill.


    • van Gils, L. (2022). De manhaftige Arria in wetenschappelijk perspectief. Lampas, 55(2), 142-162. [details]
    • van Gils, L. (2022). Life Writing in Cicero and Augustus: [Review of: L. Diegel (2021) Life writing zwischen Republik und Prinzipat. Cicero und Augustus]. Classical Review, 72(1), 143-145. Advance online publication. [details]
    • van Gils, L., & Kroon, C. (2022). Common Ground and the Presentation of Emotions: Fright and Horror in Livy’s Historiography. In M. de Bakker, B. van den Berg, & J. Klooster (Eds.), Emotions and Narrative in Ancient Literature and Beyond: Studies on Honour of Irene de Jong (pp. 523-539). (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 451). Brill. [details]
    • van Gils, L., & Risselada, R. (2022). Qui Honoris Causa Nominatur: Form and Function of Third-Party Politeness in Cicero. In L. Unceta Gómez, & Ł. Berger (Eds.), Politeness in Ancient Greek and Latin (pp. 249-272). Cambridge University Press. [details]


    • van Gils, L. W. (2021). Communicative anchoring in Cicero's letters. In A. M. M. Rodriguez (Ed.), Linguisticae Dissertationes: Current Perspectives on Latin Grammar, Lexicon and Pragmatics (pp. 675-688). Ediciones Clasicas.
    • van Gils, L., & Pieper, C. (2021). «Cicero goes further»: Reflections on a New Digital Commentary on Cicero’s Pro Sexto Roscio Amerino. Ciceroniana online. A journal of Roman thought., 5(2), 377-390. Advance online publication. [details]


    • van Gils, L. W., & Nijk, A. (2020). Narrative Tenses. Manuscript submitted for publication. In Linguistics in Greek and Latin Narrative


    • van Gils, L. (2019). Livy's Use of Spatial References in the Cannae Episode: from Structure to Strategy. In L. van Gils, I. de Jong, & C. Kroon (Eds.), Textual Strategies in Ancient War Narrative: Thermopylae, Cannae and Beyond (pp. 253-272). (Amsterdam studies in classical philology; Vol. 29). Brill. [details]
    • van Gils, L., & Kroon, C. (2019). Discourse-Linguistic Strategies in Livy’s Account of the Battle at Cannae. In L. van Gils, I. de Jong, & C. Kroon (Eds.), Textual Strategies in Ancient War Narrative: Thermopylae, Cannae and beyond (pp. 191-233). (Amsterdam studies in classical philology; Vol. 29). Brill. [details]
    • van Gils, L., & Kroon, C. (2019). Engaging the audience: An intersubjectivity approach to the historic present tense in Latin. In L. van Gils, C. Kroon, & R. Risselada (Eds.), Lemmata Linguistica Latina. - Volume 2: Clause and Discourse (pp. 351-373). De Gruyter. [details]
    • van Gils, L., Kroon, C., & Risselada, R. (Eds.) (2019). Lemmata Linguistica Latina. - Volume 2: Clause and Discourse. De Gruyter. [details]
    • van Gils, L., de Jong, I., & Kroon, C. (2019). Introduction. In L. van Gils, I. de Jong, & C. Kroon (Eds.), Textual Strategies in Ancient War Narrative: Thermopylae, Cannae and Beyond (pp. 1-16). (Amsterdam studies in classical philology; Vol. 29). Brill. [details]
    • van Gils, L., de Jong, I., & Kroon, C. (Eds.) (2019). Textual Strategies in Ancient War Narrative: Thermopylae, Cannae and beyond. (Amsterdam studies in classical philology; Vol. 29). Brill. [details]



    • Adema, S., & van Gils, L. (2015). Epistularum genera multa: Een talige benadering van teksttypen in brieven van Cicero en Plinius. Lampas, 48(1), 18-38.


    • van Gils, L. W. (Author). (2024). Een informatieve website voor leerlingen, hun ouders en leerkrachten over het gymnasium.. Digital or Visual Products


    • van Gils, L. W., & Gielink, K. (2022). Voor wie is het gymnasium? VCN Bulletin, (1).



    • Soerink, J., & van Gils, L. (2020). Vadermoord online: Een commentaar op Cicero’s Pro Sexto Roscio Amerino . Prora, 25(4), 22-23. [details]
    • van Gils, L. W. (Author), pieper, C. (Author), Soerink, J. (Author), van der Wal, R. (Author), & Tellegen-Couperus, O. (Author). (2020). online commentaar op Cicero's Verdedigingsrede van Sextus Roscius. Digital or Visual Products
    • van Gils, L. W., & Soerink, J. (2020). Vadermoord online. VCN Bulletin, 45(178), 16.


    • Adema, S., & van Gils, L. W. (2016). Wetenschap in de klas via Lampas, 49(2), 185-190. [details]


    • Risselada, R., & van Gils, L. W. (2018). Roekeloos roddelen en strategisch slijmen: Cicero's (on)beleefdheid tegenover derden.


    • Kroon, C. H. M., & van Gils, L. W. (2016). A cognitive-linguistic approach to the Historic Present in Livy and Tacitus. Paper presented at International Conference Classics and Cognitive Theory, New York, United States.
    • Kroon, C. H. M., & van Gils, L. W. (2016). The Historic Present Tense in Latin Historiography: A cognitive and discourse-pragmatic approach. Paper presented at International Conference Societas Linguistica Europea, Naples, September 2016, Naples, Italy.

    Prize / grant

    Membership / relevant position

    • van Gils, L. (2024). Midterm review Sociology VU (BA and MA), Amsterdam.
    • van Gils, L. (2023). Jury of Bolkestein - Pinkster Award 2023.
    • van Gils, L. (2023). Commissielid voor de midterm review van de Bacheloropleiding Klassieke Talen, Faculteit der Letteren, Leiden Universiteit.
    • van Gils, L. (2023). Referent bij de visitatie van de masteropleidingen Educatie in de Mens- en Maatschappijwetenschappen en Educatie in de Taal- en Cultuurwetenschappen (…), Radboud Universiteit.
    • van Gils, L. (2023-2024). Advieskring Vakvernieuwingscommissie (voorzitter), Stichting Leerplanontwikkeling.
    • van Gils, L. (2022). Committee which awards a prestigious award to the best presentation of a starting scholar at the International Colloquium of Latin Linguistics, Jury of Machteld Bolkestein Award.
    • van Gils, L. (2022). Klassieke Olympiaden.
    • van Gils, L. (2021-). Bestuur Scholae namens UvA, Scholae.
    • van Gils, L. & Pieper, C. (2021). Jury van de Klassieke Olympiaden 2021, Klassieke Olympiaden.
    • van Gils, L. (2020-2025). Voorzitter Meesterschapsteam Klassieke Talen, Duurzame Geesteswetenschappen.
    • van Gils, L. (2020-2030). Voorzitter van het Meesterschapsteam Klassieke Talen, Meesterschap - Vakdidactiek Geesteswetenschappen.
    • van Gils, L. & Rose, E. (2019-). Promotiebegeleiding Merel de Bruin (co-promotor), Universiteit Utrecht.
    • van Gils, L. (2000-2040). Research School OIKOS.

    Media appearance

    Journal editor

    Talk / presentation

    • van Gils, L. (speaker) (31-5-2024). Classics in Primary Education, OIKOS day 2024, Amsterdam.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) & Balbo, A. (speaker) (23-5-2024). Europa Ciceroniana, The Future of Latin, Amsterdam / Gent.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) (15-4-2024). Alesia, ACASA Excursion 2024.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) (25-10-2023). Over Cicero, Boekpresentatie Wet en Rechtvaardigheid, Nijmegen.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) & Clercx, B. (speaker) (16-9-2023). Panel over Onderwijs buiten de canon, VCN Nazomerconferentie, Nunspeet.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) & Kroon, C. (speaker) (20-6-2023). The second person potential subjunctive as an evidentiality strategy in Latin historical narrative, Charles University, Prague, Czechia..
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) (26-5-2023). Update on Curriculum innovation of Classics in secondary education, OIKOS day 2023.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker), de Ferrante, M. (speaker) & Blankenborg, R. (speaker) (12-5-2023). Onderwijs buiten de canon, OIKOS Joint meeting around Canonisation, Nijmegen.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) & Donzelmann, S. (speaker) (6-4-2023). Workshop "Na de promotie", Meesterschap - Vakdidactiek Geesteswetenschappen.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) (17-6-2022). τὸ γὰρ εὖ μετ᾽ ἐμοῦ. Cicero’s thoughts about his heritage in the spring of 50 BCE, Mediated Cicero, Leiden.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) (10-6-2022). Classics & Education, OIKOSdagen, Ede.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker), Flohr, M. (speaker) & Reitz, B. (speaker) (10-6-2022). Shared Antiquity, OIKOSdagen, Ede.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) & Kroon, C. (speaker) (2-6-2022). Conversational strategies in non-conversational texts: The communicative structure of Cicero’s Fourth Catilinarian, International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Santiago.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) (7-4-2022). Arria in Plinius en Martialis: exemplum of exceptio?, NKV Amsterdam Eindexamenlezing gymnasiale afdelingen, Amsterdam.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) & de Bruin, M. (speaker) (4-3-2022). Making the civitas work: a semantic-pragmatic analysis of the use of civitas in the sermones of late antique bishops, The language of literature, Katwijk.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) (1-3-2022). Arria in Plinius en Martialis: exemplum of exceptio?, NKV Amsterdam Eindexamenlezing, Amsterdam.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) & Mulders, L. (speaker) (30-10-2021). De rol van gepromoveerde docenten in het VO, Opera Netwerk Amsterdam.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) & Fedriani, C. (speaker) (28-10-2021). Reported conversation in Cicero’s letters: placement, function and internal structure.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) & Henzel, R. (speaker) (1-10-2021). Spolia starting a culinary revolution?.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) (17-9-2021). Arria en andere vrouwbeelden in de Romeinse literatuur, VCN Nazomerconferentie 2021.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) & Vis, J. (speaker) (27-8-2021). Shared Antiquity in the Netherlands.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) & Soerink, J. (speaker) (20-4-2021). Oog op het einde: de Aeneis van Vergilius, Week van de Klassieken.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) & Breunesse, M. (speaker) (15-4-2021). Cicero and political agency in Late-Republican Rome, Agents of Change.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) (8-2-2021). Cicero, ad Familiares 10.6, Titubanti Testi.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) & pieper, c. (speaker) (2-2021). Creating an online commentary, Cicero Digitalis.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) (9-2020). Large-scale behavioral change anchored in authority and identity. A comparison of lockdown speeches Rutte (Netherlands) vs. Conte (Italy), Plague and Corona Speeches from Pericles and Oedipus to Rutte and Macron.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) & pieper, c. (speaker) (30-6-2020). Reading the Scholia Gronoviana While Writing a Beginner’s Commentary of Cicero’s Pro Sexto Roscio Amerino, The ancient scholia on Cicero's speeches.
    • Kroon, C. (speaker) & van Gils, L. (speaker) (5-6-2020). Intersubjectivity in three cognitive contexts: the present tense in Latin narrative texts, International workshop on subjectivity and intersubjectivity. , Vercelli.
    • Kroon, C. (speaker) & van Gils, L. W. (speaker) (28-9-2017). Involving the audience: textual strategies in Livy’s account of the battle of Cannae, Leiden University, Forum Antiquum.
    • Risselada, R. (speaker) & van Gils, L. (speaker) (26-6-2017). Honoris causa nominatus: form and functions of third party politeness, approaches Greek and Latin im/politeneness, Madrid.
    • Kroon, C. (speaker) & van Gils, L. W. (speaker) (25-4-2017). Two types of ‘nearness’? A cognitive approach to the historic present tense in Livy and Tacitus., 19th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Munich.
    • Kroon, C. (speaker) & van Gils, L. W. (speaker) (2-3-2017). Pinkster ed il presente: coinvolgere l’altro e creare un finale aperto, University of Madrid (Autonoma).


    • van Gils, L. (examiner) & Soerink, J. (examiner) (13-4-2024). Klassieke Olympiade 2024 (examination).
    • van Gils, L. (organiser) & Risselada, R. (organiser) (28-3-2024). Cicero's letter to Atticus 14.13, Amsterdam. Workshop on Cicero's letter to Atticus 14.13 (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Gils, L. (other) (14-3-2024). Stijl, vorm en inhoud (other).
    • van Gils, L. (examiner) & Risselada, R. (examiner) (18-1-2024). NKV Vertaalwedstrijd (examination).
    • van Gils, L. (organiser) & van Opstall, E. (organiser) (15-9-2023 - 16-9-2023). VCN Nazomerconferentie, Nunspeet. Nascholing docenten Klassieke Talen (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Gils, L. (organiser) & Mantingh, E. (organiser) (6-4-2023). In Dialoog. 10 jaar Vakdidactiek Geesteswetenschappen (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Gils, L. (consultant) & Pieper, C. (consultant) (25-3-2023). Jury van de finale Latijn van de Klassieke Olympiade 2023, Klassieke Olympiaden (consultancy).
    • van Gils, L. (consultant) (10-3-2023). de Reflectiekamer, het Zijlstra Center (VU) (consultancy).
    • van Gils, L. (consultant) (9-2-2023). Jury NKV Vertaalwedstrijd Amsterdam, NKV Afdeling Amsterdam (consultancy).
    • van Gils, L. (consultant) (20-1-2023). de Commissaris van NU - Module 4, Hemingway (consultancy).
    • van Gils, L. (organiser) (25-11-2022 - 27-11-2022). Schrijfsessie Handboek Vakdidactiek Klassieke Talen, Doetinchem (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Gils, L. (chair) (1-10-2022). VCN Nazomerconferentie, Nunspeet. Paneldiscussie over Gevoelige thema's in de klas (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Gils, L. (organiser), Kroon, C. (organiser) & Meijer, F. (participant) (11-3-2022). Propaganda en uitsluiting: Cicero en Catilina, Amsterdam. Openingsevenement in Allard Pierson van Week van de Klassieken met medewerking van MA-studenten ACASA (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Gils, L. (visiting researcher) (23-2-2022 - 25-2-2022). Université Paris Nanterre (visiting an external institution).
    • van Gils, L. (organiser), Bracke, E. (organiser) & Hunt, S. (organiser) (26-1-2022). Monsters in the classroom, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Gils, L. (participant) (6-4-2021). Klassieken in het basisonderwijs (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Gils, L. (examiner) (24-3-2021). Latin tense and aspect in 3D: a corpus-based, Systemic Functional description of the narrative tenses in the language of Livy and Gregory of Tours (examination).
    • van Gils, L. (participant) (15-3-2021). Gepromoveerde docenten in het VO en OIKOS (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Gils, L. (other) & Luger, S. (other) (3-2021). Vertaalvaardigheid leerlingen vergroten (other).
    • van Gils, L. (organiser), Wakker, G. (organiser) & flohr, m. (organiser) (2-2021). Shared Antiquity (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Gils, L. (consultant) (2021 - 2022). In Focus Series, Routledge In Focus Series (consultancy).
    • van Gils, L. (examiner) (17-7-2020). Effare aperte: pragmatica dei dialoghi nella tragedia romana (examination).
    • Kroon, C. (organiser) & van Gils, L. (participant) (4-10-2019). Research Lab Work Package 1 Anchoring Innovation, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Kroon, C. (organiser) & van Gils, L. W. (organiser) (18-6-2019). International Workshop Communicative Anchoring in Latin, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Organisation of workshop (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities