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Prof. dr. I.J.F. (Irene) de Jong

Ancient Greek
Faculty of Humanities
Photographer: Eduard Lampe

Visiting address
  • Binnengasthuisstraat 9
Postal address
  • Postbus 15540
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Irene de Jong was educated at the University of Amsterdam (1975-1982), worked as a research fellow at the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae in Hamburg (Lexikon des frühgriechischen Epos) (1984 ), wrote her dissertation with a research grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (1985-7), held various postdoc positions, for instance as KNAW (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) Fellow (1988-98),  Junior KNAW professor at the University of Amsterdam (1998-2002), and held the chair of Ancient Greek at the University of Amsterdam from 2002-2021.

    Applying concepts from narratology to ancient texts, notably Homer, Herodotus, Sophocles, and Euripides, Irene de Jong has opened new areas of research, refined interpretations, and modernized age old philological tools such as commentaries and literary histories. 

    Her books include:

    Narrators and Focalizers. The Presentation of the Story in the Iliad (Amsterdam, Grüner 1987, second edition London, Duckworth 2004).

    Narrative in Drama. The Art of the Euripidean Messenger-Speech (Leiden, Brill 1991).

    A Narratological Commentary on the Odyssey (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2001).

    Homer Iliad Book XXII (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2012).

    Narratology and Classics: a Practical Guide (Oxford, Oxford University Press 2014), translated into Italian as

    I classici e la narratologia. Guida alla lettura degli autori greci e latini (Roma, Carocci editore 2017).

    Edited volumes:

    E. J. Bakker, I. J.F. de Jong, H. van Wees (eds.) Brill's Companion to Herodotus (Leiden, Brill 2002).

    I.J.F. de Jong, R. Nünlist, A. Bowie (eds.) Narrators, Narratees, and Narratives in Ancient Greek Literature. Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative 1 (Leiden, Brill 2004).

    I.J.F. de Jong, A. Rijksbaron (eds.) Sophocles and the Greek language. Aspects of Diction, Syntax, and Pragmatics (Leiden, Brill 2006).

    I.J.F. de Jong, R. Nünlist (eds.) Time in Ancient Greek Literature. Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative 2 (Leiden, Brill 2007).

    I.J.F. de Jong (ed.) Space in Ancient Greek Literature. Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative 3 (Leiden, Brill 2012).

    L. van Gils, I.J.F. de Jong, C.H.M. Kroon (eds.) Textual Strategies in Ancient War Narrative. Thermopylae, Cannae and Beyond (Leiden, Brill  2019).

    M. de Bakker, I.J.F. de Jong (eds.) Speech in Ancient Greek Literature. Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative 5 (Leiden, Brill 2022).

    I.J.F. de Jong, M.J. Versluys (eds.), Reading Greek and Hellenistic-Roman Spolia. Objects, Appropriation and Cultural Change (Leiden, Brill 2023).


    She is a member of the Academia Europaea, the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (Haarlem), the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW),  the Norwegian Academy, and the British Academy. In 1988 she was awarded the study-prize Praemium Erasmianum Foundation, in 1994  the C.C. Hodshon Prize, in 2022 the Ausonius Pries (Trier).

    She has (co-)supervised 189dissertations (Amsterdam, Nijmegen, Oxford, Tübingen, Göttingen, Berlin, Pisa) and is currently supervising 3 more.

    She has been one of the editors of the journal Mnemosyne and of the series Mnemosyne supplements (Brill), and is one of the editors of the series The Language of Classical LiteratureEuhormos, and Brill's Narratological Commentaries. She is a member of the editorial board of the journals Eirene and American Journal of Philology, and of the advisory board of  Pharos.

    She is co-author of 13 textbooks for secondary schools.



  • Recent publications

    Key publications

    Narratology and Classics: a Practical Guide (Oxford, Oxford University Press 2014)

     Narrative is an important element in our daily life and the novel is arguably the most popular genre of our times. The theory of narrative or narratology, which was developed in the 1960s, has helped us towards a better understanding of the how and why of narrative. Narratology and Classics is the first introduction to narratology that deals specifically with classical narrative: epic, historiography, biography, the ancient novel, but also the many narratives inserted in drama or lyric.

    The first part of the volume sketches the rise of narratology, and defines key narratological terms, illustrated with examples from both modern novels and Greek and Latin texts. Among the topics discussed are the identity of the role of narrator and narratees, tales within tales, metalepsis, temporal devices such as prolepsis and analepsis, retardation and acceleration, repetition and gaps, focalisation, and the thematic, symbolic, or characterising functions of space. The second part of the volume offers three close readings of famous classical texts and shows how the interpretation of these texts can be enriched by the use of narratology.

    The aim of this practical guide is to initiate its readers quickly into a literary theory that has established itself as a powerful new instrument in the classicist's toolkit. All concepts are clearly defined and illustrated from Greek and Latin texts, and detailed bibliographies at the end of each chapter point the way to theoretical studies and to further narratological studies of classical texts.

    Homer Iliad Book XXII  (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 20 12).

     Book XXII recounts the climax of the Iliad: the fatal encounter between the main defender of Troy and the greatest warrior of the Greeks, which brings the - oft announced - death of Hector and Achilles' revenge for the death of his friend Patroclus but at the same time adumbrates Achilles' own death and the fall of Troy.

                This commentary offers up-to-date linguistic guidance, and elucidates narrative techniques, typical elements, and central themes. The introduction summarises central debates in Homeric scholarship, such as the circumstances of composition and the literary interpretation of an oral poem, and offers synoptic discussions of the structure of the Iliad, the role of the narrator, similes, and epithets. There is a separate section on language, which provides a compact list of the most frequent Homeric characteristics.While the introduction is mainly geared at intermediate and advanced students, the commentary is designed for use by both students and professional classicists.


    A Narratological Commentary on the Odyssey (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2001

    Whereas traditional commentaries tend to be comprehensive and micro-textual, this narratological commentary focuses on one aspect of the Odyssey, its narrativity, and pays lavish attention to the meso- and macro-levels. Drawing on theconcepts of modern narratology as well as the insights of Homeric scholarship, it discusses the role of narrator and narratees, methods of characterization and description, plot-development, focalization, and the narrative exploitation of type-scenes. Full attention is also given to the structure, characterizing function, and relation to the narrative context of the abundantly present speeches. Finally, the numerous themes and motifs, which so subtly contribute to the unity of this long text, are traced and evaluated. Although Homer's brilliant narrative art has always been admired, this commentary aims to lay bare the techniques responsible for this brilliance. All Greek is translated and all technical terms explained in a glossary.



    '... the book is a stimulating and thought-provoking addition to the previous commentaries on the Odyssey.' Scholia


    Narrators and Focalizers . The Presentation of the Story in the Iliad (Amsterdam Grüner 1987, reprinted London Duckworth 2004)

    Acclaimed as one of the pioneering texts to introduce narratology (the theory that deals with the general principles underlying narrative texts) to classical scholarship, Irene de Jong's work explains the key concepts such as "narrator", "focalization" and "prolepsis", highlighting their relevance by using them for the analysis and interpretation of Homer's "Iliad". What is the role of the narrator and how do the parts of the story told by the narrator relate to the many speeches for which Homer is famous?

    This work was first published in 1987 and it is reissued here with a new introduction by the author, offering an overview of the trends in Homeric narratological scholarship over the last decade.



  • Activities


    She has just finished a narratological commentary on Herodotus Histories , which will be published by CUP in 2025. She is working on articles dealing with animal similes in Homer, vocatives in Homer and Quintus of Smyrna, Shakespeare Lucrece and the tradion of the ekphrasis. 


  • Publications


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2025). Riddling Prolepses: Dreams and Oracles in Herodotus’ Histories. In S. Schomberger, & A. Tagliabue (Eds.), Prolepsis in Ancient Greek Narrative: Definitions, Forms and Effects (pp. 54-67). Brill.


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2024). Herodotus’ Framing of the Persian Spolia at Plataea. In I. J. F. de Jong, & M. J. Versluys (Eds.), Reading Greek and Hellenistic-Roman Spolia: Objects, Appropriation and Cultural Change (pp. 71-86). (Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation; Vol. 5). Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2024). Shifting Paradigms: Peleus in the Iliad. In F. Montanari, T. Papanghelis, B. Zimmerman, & E. Sistakou (Eds.), In the Mists of Time: Negotiating the Past in Ancient Literature (pp. 3-16). De Gruyter.
    • de Jong, I. J. F., & Versluys, M. J. (2024). Innovating Objects? Spolia and the Question of Appropriation. In I. J. F. de Jong, & M. J. Versluys (Eds.), Reading Greek and Hellenistic-Roman Spolia: Objects, Appropriation and Cultural Change (pp. 3-13). (Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation; Vol. 5). Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F., & Versluys, M. J. (Eds.) (2024). Reading Greek and Hellenistic-Roman Spolia: Objects, Appropriation and Cultural Change . (Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation; Vol. 5). Brill. [details]


    • de Bakker, M., & de Jong, I. (2022). Epilogue: Speech in Ancient Greek Narrative. In M. de Bakker, & I. J. F. de Jong (Eds.), Speech in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 743-745). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 5), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 448). Brill. Advance online publication. [details]
    • de Bakker, M., & de Jong, I. (2022). Introduction: Narratological Theory on Speech. In M. de Bakker, & I. J. F. de Jong (Eds.), Speech in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 1-30). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 5), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 448). Brill. Advance online publication. [details]
    • de Bakker, M., & de Jong, I. J. F. (Eds.) (2022). Speech in Ancient Greek Literature. (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 5), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 448). Brill. Advance online publication. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2022). Herodotus en het wonder van Salamis. Manuscript in preparation.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2022). Spectators and Spectacle in Quintus’ Posthomerica. Mnemosyne, 75(1), 37-57. Advance online publication. [details]




    • de Jong, I. (2018). Homer. In K. De Temmerman, & E. van Emde Boas (Eds.), Characterization in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 27-45). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 4), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 411). Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. (2018). The Homeric Hymns. In K. De Temmerman, & E. van Emde Boas (Eds.), Characterization in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 64-79). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 4), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 411). Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. (2018). The view from the mountain (oroskopia) in Greek and Latin literature. Cambridge Classical journal, 64, 23-48. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2018). Der Traum des Kambyses (Herodot Histoprien 3,30 und 3,61-65). Ein narratologisches Close-reading. In I. Müllner, & B. Schmitz (Eds.), Perspektiven: Biblische Texte und Narratologie (pp. 41-65). (Stuttgarter biblische Beiträge ; Vol. 75). kbw bibelwerk . [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2018). The Birth of the Princes’ Mirror in the Homeric Epics. In J. Klooster, & B. van den Bergh (Eds.), Homer and the Good ruler in antiquity and beyond (pp. 20-37). (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 413). Brill. [details]





    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2014). After Auerbach: Ancient Greek literature as a test case of European Literary historiography. European Review, 22(1), 116-128. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2014). Bacchylides 5 and the theme of non-recognition on the battlefield. In E. K. Emilsson, A. Maravela, & M. Skoie (Eds.), Paradeigmata: Studies in honour of Øivind Andersen (pp. 29-38). (Papers from the Norwegian Institute at Athens Series no. 4; No. 2). Athens: Norwegian Institute at Athens. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2014). Diachronic Narratology: (the example of Ancient Greek narrative). In P. Hühn, J. C. Meister, J. Pier, & W. Schmid (Eds.), Handbook of narratology. -1 (pp. 115-122). (De Gruyter handbook). De Gruyter. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2014). The anonymous traveller in European literature: a Greek meme? In D. Cairns, & R. Scodel (Eds.), Defining Greek narrative (pp. 314-333). (Edinburgh Leventis Studies; No. 7). Edinburgh University Press. [details]



    • de Jong, I. (2012). The Helen logos and Herodotus’ Fingerprint. In E. Baragwanath, & M. de Bakker (Eds.), Myth, truth, and narrative in Herodotus (pp. 127-142). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2012). Homer. Iliad: book XXII. (Cambridge Greek and Latin classics). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2012). Double deixis in Homeric speech: on the interpretation of ὅδε and οὗτος. In M. Meier-Brügger (Ed.), Homer, gedeutet durch ein großes Lexikon: Akten des Hamburger Kolloquiums vom 6.-8. Oktober 2010 zum Abschluss des Lexikons des frühgriechischen Epos (pp. 63-83). (Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Abhandlungen. Philologisch-Historische Klasse; Vol. NF, 21). De Gruyter. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2012). Homer. In I. J. F. de Jong (Ed.), Space in ancient Greek literature (pp. 21-38). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 3), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 339). Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2012). Introduction. Narratological Theory on Space. In I. J. F. de Jong (Ed.), Space in ancient Greek literature (pp. 1-18). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 3), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 339). Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2012). The Homeric Hymns. In I. J. F. de Jong (Ed.), Space in ancient Greek literature (pp. 39-53). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 3), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 339). Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (Ed.) (2012). Space in ancient Greek literature. (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 3), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 339). Brill. [details]



    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2010). Euripides and his Prologues: a Reappraisal. Pharos: journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens, 17(1), 21-34. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2010). Narratology and the classics: the proof of the pudding... In H. Liss, & M. Oeming (Eds.), Literary construction of identity in the ancient world: proceedings of the conference: literary fiction and the construction of identity in ancient literatures: options and limits of modern literary approaches in the exegesis of ancient texts, Heidelberg, July 10-13, 2006 (pp. 81-100). Eisenbrauns. [details]


    • de Jong, I. (2009). Metalepsis in Ancient Greek literature. In J. Grethlein, & A. Rengakos (Eds.), Narratology and interpretation: the content of narrative form in ancient literature (pp. 87-115). (Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes; No. 4). W. de Gruyter. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2009). Between word and deed: hidden thoughts in the Odyssey. In L. E. Doherty (Ed.), Homer’s Odyssey (pp. 62-90). (Oxford readings in classical studies). Oxford University Press. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2009). Un commentario narratológico sobre la Odisea: principios y problemas. Estudios Clásicos, 135, 7-28. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2007). 'Sophocles Trachiniae 1-48, Euripidean Prologues, and their Audiences'. In R. Allan, & M. Bijs (Eds.), The Language of Literature. Linguistic Approaches to Classical texts (pp. 7-28). Leiden: Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2007). Homer. In I. J. F. Jong, & R. Nünlist (Eds.), Time in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 17-37). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 2), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 291). Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2007). Introduction. Narratological theory on Time. In I. J. F. Jong, & R. Nünlist (Eds.), Time in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 1-14). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 2), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 291). Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2007). Sophocles. In I. J. F. Jong, & R. Nünlist (Eds.), Time in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 275-292). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 2), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 291). Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F., & Nunlist, R. (2007). Epilogue. Time in Ancient Greek Literature. In I. J. F. de Jong, & R. Nünlist (Eds.), Time in Ancient Greek Literature (pp. 505-522). (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 2), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 291). Brill.
    • de Jong, I. J. F., & Nünlist, R. (Eds.) (2007). Time in Ancient Greek Literature. (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; Vol. 2), (Mnemosyne. Supplements; Vol. 291). Brill. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2006). 'Herodotus on the Dream of Cambyses (Histories 3.30, 61-5)'. In A. Lardinois, M. G. M. van der Poel, & V. J. C. Hunink (Eds.), Land of Dreams. Greek and Latin Studies in Honour of A.H.M. Kessels (pp. 3-17). Leiden: Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2006). 'The Homeric Narrator and his own kleos'. Mnemosyne, 59, 188-207. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2006). Where Narratology Meets Stylistics: the Seven Versions of Ajax' Madness. In I. J. F. de Jong, & A. Rijksbaron (Eds.), Sophocles and the Greek language. Aspects of Diction, Syntax, and Pragmatics (pp. 73-93). Leiden: Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F., & Rijksbaron, A. (2006). Sophocles and the Greek Language. Leiden: Brill. [details]


    • Bakker, E. J., de Jong, I. J. F., & van Wees, H. (2005). Encheiridio Herodoteion Spoudon. Athena: Metachmio.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2005). 'Epic', 'in medias res', 'ancient theories of narrative (Western)'. In D. Herman, A. Jahn, & M-L. Ryan (Eds.), The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory Londen: Routledge. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2005). 'Homer and his own Reception'. Pharos: journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens, 12 (2004), 189-201. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2005). 'Narratologia e storiografia: il racconto di Atys e Adrasto in Erodoto 1.34-45'. QUCC, 109, 87-96. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2005). Aristotle on the Homeric Narrator. Classical Quarterly, 55, 616-621. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2005). Convention Versus Realism in the Homeric Epics. Mnemosyne, 58, 1-22. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2004). Narrators and focalizers: the presentation of the story in the Iliad. (2nd ed. ed.) (Bristol classical paperbacks). London: Bristol Classical Press. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2004). From Bird's Eye View to Close Up: the Standpoint of the Narrator in the Homeric Epics. In A. Bierl, A. Schmidt, & A. Willi (Eds.), Antike Literatur in neuer Deutung (pp. 63-83). Leipzig: Saur.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2004). Introduction to the second edition. In I. J. F. de Jong (Ed.), Narrators and focalizers: the presentation of the story in the Iliad. - New ed. (pp. XIV-XXVI). (BCP paperback series). London: Duckworth. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2004). Introduction. Narratological Theory on Narrators, Narratees and Narratives, ''Homer", "Herodotus", "Sophocles". In I. J. F. de Jong, R. Nunlist, & A. Bowie (Eds.), Narrators, Narratees, and Narratives (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; No. 1). Leiden: Brill.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2004). Paratexts "avant la lettre" in Ancient Greek Literature (Homer and Herodotus). In D. den Hengst, J. Koopmans, & L. Kuitert (Eds.), Paratext. The Fuzzy Edges of Literature Amsterdam: ICG.
    • de Jong, I. J. F., & Nunlist, R. (2004). Epilogue. Narrators, Narratees, and Narratives in Ancient Greek Literature. In I. J. F. de Jong, R. Nunlist, & A. Bowie (Eds.), Narrators, Narratees, and Narratives. (Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative; No. 1). Leiden: Brill.
    • de Jong, I. J. F., Nünlist, R., & Bowie, A. (2004). Narrators, narratees, and narratives in ancient Greek literature. (Mnemosyne. Supplements; No. 257), (Studies in ancient Greek narrative; Vol. 1). Leiden: Brill. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2003). The practical use of historiography: from Haffner to Herodotus. Arcadia, 38, 325-328. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2003). Three Off-Stage Characters in Euripides (reprint with revisions). In J. Mossman (Ed.), Oxford Readings in Euripides (pp. 369-389). Oxford: OUP. [details]


    • Bakker, E. J., de Jong, I. J. F., & van Wees, H. (2002). Brill's Companion to Herodotus. Leiden: Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2002). A Narratological Commentary on the Odyssey. Principles and Problems. In R. Gibson, & C. Kraus (Eds.), The Classical Commentary (pp. 49-66). Leiden: Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2002). Developments in Narrative Technique in the Odyssey. In M. Reichel, & A. Rengakos (Eds.), Epea pteroenta. Festschrift W. Kullmann (pp. 77-91). Stuttgart: Steiner. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2002). Iliad 1.366-392: A Mirror Story (reprint with revisions). In D. Cairns (Ed.), Oxford Readings in Homer's Iliad (pp. 478-495). Oxford: OUP. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2002). Narrative Unity and Units. In E. J. Bakker, I. J. F. de Jong, & H. van Wees (Eds.), Brill's Companion to Herodotus (pp. 245-266). Leiden: Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2002). The Prologue as a Pseudo Dialogue and the Identity of its (Main) Speaker. In A. Kahane, & A. Laird (Eds.), A Companion to the Prologue to Apuleius' Metamorphoses (pp. 201-212). Oxford: OUP. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2001). A Narratological Commentary on the Odyssey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2001). The Anachronical Structure of Herodotus' Histories. In S. J. Harrison (Ed.), Texts, Ideas and the Classics (pp. 93-116). Oxford: OUP. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2001). The Origins of Figural Narration in Antiquity. In W. van Peer, & S. Chatman (Eds.), New Perspectives on Narrative Perspective (pp. 67-81). New York: SUNY Press. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F., & Nünlist, R. (2000). Homerische Poetik in Stichwörtern. In J. Latacz (Ed.), Homers Ilias. Gesamtkommentar. Prolegomena (pp. 159-171). Leipzig: Sauer Verlag. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1999). Aspects narratologiques des 'Histoires' d'Hérodote'. Lalies, 19, 219-277. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1999). Auerbach and Homer. In J. N. Kazazis, & A. Rengakos (Eds.), Euphrosyne. Studies in Ancient Epic and its legacy in Honor of Dimitris N. Maronitis (pp. 154-164). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1999). SO Debate: Dividing Homer. Symbolae Osloenses, 74, 58-63.


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1998). Homer and Literary Criticism. In I. J. F. de Jong (Ed.), Homer: Critical Assessments, volume III (pp. 1-24). London: Routledge. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1998). Homeric Epithet and Narrative Situation. In M. Paisi-Apostolopolou (Ed.), Homerica. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on the Odessey (1-5 september 1996) (pp. 121-135). Ithaca: Centre for Odyssean Studies. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1997). Gar introducing embedded narratives. In A. Rijksbaron (Ed.), New Approaches to Greek particles (pp. 175-185). Amsterdam: Gieben.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1997). Homer and Narratology. In B. Powell, & I. Morris (Eds.), A New Companion to Homer (pp. 305-325). Leiden: Brill.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1997). Homer and Narratology. In I. Morris, & B. Powell (Eds.), A New Companion to Homer (pp. 305-325). Brill: Leiden. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1997). Narrator language versus character language: some further explorations. In F. Létoublon (Ed.), Hommage à Milman Parry: le style formulaire de l'épopée homérique et la théorie de l'oralité poétique (pp. 293-302). Amsterdam: Gieben. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1996). Sunset and sunrises in Homer and Apollonius of Rhodes: Book-Divisions and Beyond. Dialogos, 3, 20-35. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1995). Homer as Literature: Some Current Areas of Research. In J. P. Crielaard (Ed.), Homeric Questions (pp. 127-147). Amsterdam: Gieben. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1994). Between word and deed: hidden thoughts in the Odyssey. In I. J. F. de Jong, & J. P. Sullivan (Eds.), Modern critical theory & classical literature (pp. 27-50). (Mnemosyne. Supplementum; No. 130). Leiden: Brill. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1994). Πιστα τεκμηρια In Soph. El. 774. Mnemosyne, 47(5), 679-681. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F., & Sullivan, J. P. (1994). Modern critical theory & classical literature. (Mnemosyne. Supplementum; No. 130). Leiden: Brill. [details]



    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1992). Récit et drame: le deuxième récit de messager dans Les Bacchantes. Revue des Études Grecques, 105, 572-583. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1992). The subjective style in Odysseus' wanderings. Classical Quarterly, 42(1), 1-11.


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1991). Narrative in drama: the art of the Euripidean messenger-speech. (Mnemosyne. Supplementum; No. 116). Leiden: Brill.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1991). Gynaikeion ethos: misogyny in the Homeric scholia. Eranos, 89, 13-24.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1991). Narratology and Oral Poetry: The Case of Homer. Poetics Today, 12(3), 405-423. [details]



    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1989). Agamemnon's belt in Iliad II.479. Museum Helveticum, 46, 242-243.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1989). The Homeric Epithets of "απоινα". Museum Helveticum, 46, 242-243.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1989). The Homeric epithets of poina. Museum Helveticum, 46, 242-243. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1989). The biter bit: a narratological analysis of H.Aphr. 45-291. Wiener Studien, 23, 13-26.


    • de Jong, I. (1988). Homeric words and speakers: an addendum. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 108, 188-189. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1988). Gynaikeion ethos: misogynie als verblindende factor bij antieke Homerusinterpretatoren'. In E. van Alphen, & I. J. F. de Jong (Eds.), Door het oog van de tekst: essays voor Mieke Bal over visie (pp. 106-120). Muiderberg: Coutinho. [details]
    • van Alphen, E., & de Jong, I. J. F. (1988). Door het oog van de tekst: essays voor Mieke Bal over visie. Muiderberg: Coutinho. [details]


    • Bremer, J. M., de Jong, I. J. F., & Kalff, J. (1987). Homer: beyond oral poetry : recent trends in Homeric interpretation. Amsterdam: Grüner.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1987). Homeric κέρδος and οφελοσ. Museum Helveticum, 44, 79-81.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1987). Paris/Alexandros in the Ilias. Mnemosyne, 40, 124-128.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1987). Silent characters in the Iliad. In J. M. Bremer, I. J. F. de Jong, & J. Kalff (Eds.), Homer: beyond oral poetry (pp. 105-121). Amsterdam: Grüner. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1987). The Voice of Anonymity: "tis"-speeches in the Ilias. Eranos, 85, 69-84. [details]



    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2011). Narrative. In M. Finkelberg (Ed.), The Homer encyclopedia. - Volume II (pp. 554-556). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2010). 'How many children had (Lady) Andromache?' Over tradionele personages in de Oudgriekse literatuur. In A. van Heerikhuizen, I. de Jong, & M. van Montfrans (Eds.), Tweede levens: over personen en personages in de geschiedschrijving en de literatuur (pp. 14-33). Vossiuspers UvA. [details]
    • van Heerikhuizen, A., de Jong, I., & van Montfrans, M. (2010). Tweede levens: over personen en personages in de geschiedschrijving en de literatuur. Vossiuspers UvA. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2004). Paratexts "avant la lettre" in ancient Greek literature (Homer and Herodotus). In C. Dauven (Ed.), Paratext: the fuzzy edges of literature (pp. 47-59). Amsterdam: Institute of Culture and History, University of Amsterdam. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2003). M. Alden. Homer beside himself: para-narratives in the Iliad [Review of: M. Alden. Homer beside himself: para-narratives in the Iliad]. Mnemosyne, 56, 81-84.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2003). S. Pulleyn (ed.), Homer, Iliad, book one [Review of: S. Pulleyn. Homer, Iliad, book one]. Mnemosyne, 57, 97-99.



    • Artz, R., Goossens, T., de Jong, D., & de Jong, I. J. F. (1998). Homeros: de eer van Achilles. Leeuwarden: Eisma. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1998). De literaire interpretatie van de Homerische epitheta. Lampas, 31(1), 3-20. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F., Artz, R., & Goossens, T. (1998). Homeros. De eer van Achilles. Tekstboek en hulpboek. Leeuwarden: Eisma. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1997). M. Reichel, Fernbeziehungen in der Ilias [Review of: M. Reichel. Fernbeziehungen in der Ilias]. Mnemosyne, 50, 94-96.


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1996). G.S. Kirk ... [], The Iliad: a commentary [Review of: G.S. Kirk, B. Hainsworth. The Iliad: a commentary]. Mnemosyne, 49, 86-95.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1996). N. Felson-Rubin, Regarding Penelope: from character to poetics [Review of: N. Felson-Rubin. Regarding Penelope: from character to poetics]. Mnemosyne, 49, 344-346.


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1994). De literaire interpretatie van de Odyssee: enkele recente publikaties. Lampas, 27, 378-391. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1993). S. H. Lonsdale, Creatures of speech. lion, herding, and hunting similes in the Iliad [Review of: S.H. Lonsdale. Creatures of speech. lion, herding, and hunting similes in the Iliad]. Mnemosyne, 46, 396-397.


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1992). Homerus' muze. De Gids, 155, 61-64. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1991). E. Havelock, De Muze leert schrijven [Review of: E. Havelock. De Muze leert schrijven]. Forum der Letteren, 32, 292-295.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1991). Tijdsaspecten in Pindarus' Pythische vier. Lampas, 24, 199-210. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1991). Verhaal en drama: het bodeverhaal in de Griekse tragedie. Forum der Letteren, 42, 207-219. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1990). C. Calame, Le récit en Grèce ancienne [Review of: C. Calame. Le récit en Grèce ancienne]. Mnemosyne, 43, 166-168.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1990). Homerische verteltechniek: de ontmoeting tussen Hermes en Priamus in Ilias 24. Lampas, 23, 370-383. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1990). L. Collins, Studies in characterization in the Iliad [Review of: L. Collins. Studies in characterization in the Iliad]. Mnemosyne, 43, 462-464.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1990). R.P. Martin, The language of heroes [Review of: R.P. Martin. The language of heroes]. Mnemosyne, 45, 392-397.


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1989). De Ilias: een objektief verhaal? Forum der Letteren, 30, 206-216. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1989). Zwijgende personages in de Ilias. Lampas, 22, 4-21. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1988). A. Bonnafé, Poésie, nature et sacré. Vol. I: Homère, Hesiode et le sentiment grec de la nature [Review of: A. Bonnafié. Poésie, nature et sacré.Vol. I: Homère, Hesiode et le sentiment grec de la nature]. Mnemosyne, 41, 393-395.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1988). Het litteken van Odysseus: Homerus onder het mes van de literatuurkritiek. Hermeneus, 60, 9-14. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1988). W.G. Thalmann, Conventions of form and function in early Greek epic poetry [Review of: W.G. Thalmann. Conventions of form and function in early greek epic poetry]. Mnemosyne, 41, 127-131.


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1987). Paris/Alexandros in the Iliad. Mnemosyne, 40, 124-128. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1986). G.B. Walsh, The varieties of enchantment: Eerly Greek views of the nature and function of poetry [Review of: G.B. Walsh. The varieties of enchantment: early Greek views of the nature and function of poetry]. Mnemosyne, 39, 419-422.


    • van der Ben, N., & de Jong, I. J. F. (1984). Daimon in Ilias en Odysse. Lampas, 17, 301-316. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F., Artz, R., van den Bergh, A., & Jeurissen, S. (2024). Antigone. Een tragedie van Sophocles. Hermaion.



    • Artz, R., van den Bergh, A., Jeurissen, S., & de Jong, I. (2020). Bacchae: een tragedie van Euripides. Docentenhandleiding. Houten: Hermaion.
    • Artz, R., van den Bergh, A., Jeurissen, S., & de Jong, I. (2020). Bacchae: een tragedie van Euripides. Houten: Hermaion.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2020). [Review of: A.C. Purves (2019) Homer and the Poetics of Gesture]. Gnomon : kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft, 92(7), 649-650. [details]


    • Artz, R., van den Bergh, A., & de Jong, I. (2019). Verhalen uit de Odyssee. Docentenhandleiding. (Griekse Taal en Cultuur). Houten: Hermaion.
    • de Jong, I. (2019). De ring van Polycrates (Herodotus, Historiën 3.39-43): een narratologische close reading. Lampas, 52(1), 3-15. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2019). [Review of: M. Alden (2017) Para-Narratives in the Odyssey: Stories in the Frame]. American Journal of Philology, 140(2), 361-364. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2017). Narratologie en de klassieken: Gebruik, groei, grenzen. Lampas, 50(3), 256-270. [details]


    • Artz, R., van den Bergh, A., & de Jong, I. (2016). Electra: Een tragedie van Euripides. Houten: Hermaion. [details]



    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2013). De eenzaamheid van een held: Hector voor de poort van Troje. Lampas, 46(2), 123-137. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2013). [Review of: A. Faulkner (2011) The Homeric hymns: interpretative essays]. Mnemosyne, 66(1), 133-135. [details]



    • Artz, R., van den Bergh, A., van Dolen, H., & de Jong, I. (2011). Heimwee van een held: de thuisreis van Odysseus. Houten: Hermaion. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2011). Inleiding. In A. S. Hartkamp (Ed.), Homerische hymnen: vertaling (pp. vii-xv). (Obolos; No. 17). Ta Grammata. [details]



    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2009). "Many tales go of that city's fall": het thema van de val van Troje in de Ilias. Lampas, 42(4), 279-298. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2009). Homerus en het Gilgameš-epos: een poëticale vergelijking. Lampas, 42(2), 93-110. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2009). [Review of: A. Kelly (2007) A referential commentary and lexicon to Iliad VIII]. Mnemosyne, 62(3), 478-480. [details]


    • Albertz, H., Artz, R., van den Bergh, A., de Jong, I., & Roelofs, M. (2008). Lief en leed bij mensen en goden: passages uit de Ilias van Homerus. - Tekstboek en hulpboek. Lunteren: Hermaion. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2008). Homers Erzählkunst. In J. Latacz, T. Greub, P. Blome, & A. Wieczorek (Eds.), Homer: der Mythos von Troia in Dichtung und Kunst (pp. 157-163). Hirmer. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2008). [Review of: D. Beck (2005) Homeric conversation]. Mnemosyne, 61(3), 482-484. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2008). [Review of: J. Grethlein (2006) Das Geschichtsbild der Ilias : eine Untersuchung aus phänomenologischer und narratologischer Perspektive]. Mnemosyne, 61(4), 659-661. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2007). [Review of: M. Stoevesandt (2004) Feinde-Gegner-Opfer. Zur Darstellung der Trojaner in den Kampfszenen der Ilias]. Mnemosyne, 60, 669-670. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2006). [Review of: B. Effe (2004) Epische Objektivität und subjektives Erzählen]. Gnomon : kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft, 78, 643-644. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2006). [Review of: R. Scodel (2002) Listening to Homer: tradition, narrative, and audience]. Gnomon : kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft, 78, 200-203. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2006). [Review of: T.A. Schmitz (2002) Moderne Literaturtheorie und antike Texte. Eine Einführung]. Mnemosyne, 59, 304-306. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2005). [Review of: M.A. Flower, J. Marincola (2002) Herodotus Histories Book IX]. Mnemosyne, 58, 594-596.


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2004). De paratekst "avant la lettre" van Homerus en Herodotus. Lampas, 37, 297-308.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2004). Geen held zonder dichter. Lampas, 37, 179-185.


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2003). [Review of: P.A. Rosenmeyer (2001) Ancient Epistolary Fictions. The Letter in Greek Literature]. Mnemosyne, 56, 361-363. [details]


    • Artz, R., Goossens, T., Jeurissen, S., de Jong, D., & de Jong, I. J. F. (2002). Het verhaal van Odysseus. De sprookjeswereld van Homerus' Odyssee (tekstboek en hulpboek). Leeuwarden: Eisma. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2002). Van poeta to persona in de vroegste Griekse literatuur (Homerus, Hesiodus, Herodotus). Lampas, 35, 387-398. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2002). [Review of: T. Harrison (2000) Divinity and History. The Religion of Herodotus]. Mnemosyne, 55, 105-108. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2001). [Review of: G.W. Most (ed.) (1999) Commentaries-Kommentare. Kritische Studien zur Philologiegeschichte]. Mnemosyne, 54, 752-753. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2001). [Review of: R.J. Rabel (1997) Plot and Point of View in the Iliad]. Mnemosyne, 54, 221-223. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2000). Narratieve teksten en narratieve situaties. Lampas, 32, 189-210. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (2000). [Review of: J.A. Arieti (1995) Discourses on the First Book of Herodotus]. Mnemosyne, 53, 245-247. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1999). Vertellers met een lijf. Een sondering van de geschiedenis van het Klassiek Griekse verhaal. Amsterdam: KNAW.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1999). [Review of: A. Sprague Becker (1995) The shield of Achilles and the poetics of Ekphrasis]. Mnemosyne, 52, 336-337. [details]


    • Artz, R., Goossens, T., de Jong, D., & de Jong, I. J. F. (1998). Homeros. De eer van Achilles. Leeuwarden: Eisma.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1998). De literaire interpretatie van de Homerische epitheta. Lampas, 31.1, 3-20. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1998). Sardonic Smile. Nonverbal Behaviour in Homeric Epic [Review of: D. Lateiner (1998) -]. Mnemosyne, 51, 605-607. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1998). Siren Songs. Gender, Audiences, and Narrators in the Odyssey [Review of: L. Doherty (1998) -]. Mnemosyne, 51, 463-467. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1997). Fernbeziehungen in der Ilias [Review of: M. Reichel (1997) Fernbeziehungen in der Ilias]. Mnemosyne, 50, 94-96.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1997). Homer. Iliad IX [Review of: J. Griffin (1997) Homer. Iliad IX]. Mnemosyne, 50, 348-351. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1997). [Review of: P. Kyriakou (1997) Homeric hapax legomena in the Argonautica of Appolonius Rhodius]. Journal of Hellenic Studies, 117, 217-218.


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1996). Auerbach en Homerus. TvL. Tijdschrift voor Literatuurwetenschap, 1(3), 168-177. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1996). Regarding Penelope. From Character to poetics [Review of: N. Felson-Rubin (1996) -]. Mnemosyne, 49, 344-346.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1996). The Iliad. A Commentary [Review of: G.S. Kirk (1996) -]. Mnemosyne, 49, 344-346.


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1995). Homeros. Ontmoetingen met Odysseus (2 delen). Leeuwarden: Eisma. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1995). False Predictions in the 'Iliad' [Review of: J.V. Morrison (1995) -]. Mnemosyne, 47, 689-694.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1995). The Shield of Homer. Narrative Structure in the 'Iliad' [Review of: K. Stanley (1995) -]. Mnemosyne, 47, 532-534. [details]
    • van Erp Taalman Kip, A. M., & de Jong, I. J. F. (1995). Schurken en schelmen. Cultuurhistorische verkenningen rond de Middellandse Zee. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1994). De literaire interpretatie van de Odyssee: enkele recente publikaties. Lampas, 27, 378-391.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1994). Homeric Misdirection. False Predictions in the Iliad [Review of: J.V. Morrison (1994) Homeric Misdirection. False Predictions in the Iliad]. In J. V. Morrison (Ed.), Unknown [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1994). Homeric Soundings. The Shaping of the Iliad [Review of: O. Taplin (1994) Homeric Soundings. The Shaping of the Iliad]. In O. Taplin (Ed.), Unknown [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1994). The Shield of Homer. Narrative Structure in the Iliad [Review of: K. Stanley (1994) The Shield of Homer. Narrative Structure in the Iliad]. In K. Stanley (Ed.), Unknown


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1992). In betovering gevangen: aspecten van Homerus' vertelkunst. (Baskerville cursief serie). Amsterdam: Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep. [details]
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1992). Verhaal en drama: het bodeverhaal in de Griekse tragedie. Forum der Letteren, 32, 207-219.
    • de Jong, I. J. F., & Rijksbaron, A. (1992). "Zo lag de held Odysseus....". Enige opmerkingen bij de Odyssee-vertaling van I.Dros. Lampas, 25, 198-213.


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1990). Homerische verteltechniek: de ontmoeting tussen Hermes en Priamus in Ilias 24. Lampas, 23, 370-383.


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1989). De Ilias: een objektief verhaal? Forum der Letteren, 30, 206-216.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1989). Zwijgende personages in de Ilias. Lampas, 22, 4-21.


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1988). [Review of: (1984) W.G. Thalmann. Conventions of Form and Function in Early Greek Epic Poetry]. Mnemosyne, 41, 127-131.


    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1986). [Review of: (1984) G.Walsh. The Varieties of Enchantment. Early Greek Views of the Nature and Function of Poetry]. Mnemosyne, 39, 419-422.


    • van der Ben, N., & de Jong, I. J. F. (1984). Daimon in Ilias en Odysse. Lampas, 17, 301-316.

    Journal editor

    • Kroon, C. (editor in chief) & de Jong, I. (editor in chief) (2019-2029). Brill (Publisher).
    • Kroon, C. (editor in chief), de Jong, I. J. F. (editor in chief), Heerink, M. A. J. (member of editorial board) & Allan, R. J. (member of editorial board) (2016-2030). Brill (Publisher).
    • den Boer, P. (editor) & de Jong, I. J. F. (editor) (2012). Pharos: journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens (Journal).
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (editor) (2009). Mnemosyne (Journal).
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (editor) (2008). Mnemosyne (Journal).
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (editor) (2008). Mnemosyne. Supplementum (Journal).
    • Kroon, C. (editor in chief) & de Jong, I. (editor in chief) (2007-2025). Brill (Publisher).
    • Kroon, C. (editor) & de Jong, I. J. F. (editor) (2007-2029). Brill (Publisher).
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (editor) (2005). Mnemosyne (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • de Jong, I. J. F. (invited speaker) (31-5-2010). Auerbach revisited: the will of Zeus in the Iliad, Conference on ancient interpreters of Homer and the bible, Jeruzalem.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (invited speaker) (21-4-2010). Greek Literature and the Potential of Diachronical Narratology, Guest Lecture, Freiburg.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (invited speaker) (20-4-2010). Der Schild des Achilleus oder Homer ueber seine Erzaehlkunst, Guest Lecture, Freiburg.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (speaker) (21-4-2005). 'Homerus en zijn eigen kleos', ., Leuven.
    • de Jong, I. J. F. (speaker) (21-4-2005). 'De Odyssee: de terugkeer van een man', K.L.Poll-NWO-lezing, Amsterdam.



    • de Jong, I. J. F. (1987). Narrators and focalizers: the presentation of the story in the Iliad. Amsterdam: Grüner. [details]
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