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Prof. dr. C.H.M. (Caroline) Kroon

Latin Language and Literature
Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Griekse en Latijnse talen en culturen

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 15
  • Room number: 3.02
Postal address
  • Postbus 94203
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Caroline Kroon is professor of Latin at the Amsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies and Archaeology. She studied Classics and General Linguistics at the University of Amsterdam, where she received her doctor’s degree in 1995. In 1993 she was appointed assistant professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, where she obtained a full professorship in 1999. In 2013 she was appointed full professor at the University of Amsterdam.


    Kroon’s research concerns Classical Latin literature and is characterized by an interdisciplinary approach crossing the border between linguistics and literary studies. She has published on all kinds of discourse linguistic phenomena, including Latin particles, tense, and anaphoric reference. A recurring theme in her research is the application of insights from discourse linguistics and pragmatics to the literary analysis of Latin texts, which has recently led to a volume on Textual Strategies in Ancient War Narrative, co-edited with Lidewij van Gils and Irene de Jong. Currently she is one of the six main coordinators of the GRAVITATION program Anchoring Innovation funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (2017-2027). Within this program she is heading the projects on Discourse and Rhetoric. 

    Caroline Kroon received the Study Prize of the Praemium Erasmianum Foundation for her dissertation in 1995, and the Keetje Hodshon prize (Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities) for her publications on Latin and general linguistics in 1997. In 1999 she was awarded a Van der Leeuw Professorship (NWO, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research). In 2012 she was appointed a member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities.

    Kroon is series editor of Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology (Leiden, Brill), member of the Advisory Board of Mnemosyne (international journal of Classical Studies), and member of the International Advisory Board of the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften).

    Administrative duties

    From September 2013 until February 2019 Caroline Kroon was director of the College of Humanities and a member of the Faculty of Humanities’ Executive Committee Board. Prior to this she was, amongst others, vice dean and dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, chair of the department of Classics and Ancient Studies of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and chair of the National Research School for Classical Studies in the Netherlands, OIKOS. 

  • PhD Projects

    In progress

    • Drs. S. Luger, Strategisch Latijn vertalen. Een onderzoek in het kader van zinvol en efficiënt vertaalonderwijs Latijn
    • D. (David) Stienaers MA, Report in Latin War Narrative
    • Drs. G.F. (Gerben) Wartena, Christian Epic at the Crossroads of Cultures: Sedulius’ Carmen paschale book 5


    • Dr. C.D.P. (Kokkie) van Oeveren (2019). Ithaka gaf je de reis … Op weg naar reflectie op het eigene en het vreemde in het literatuuronderwijs klassieke talen
    • Dr. M. (Math) Osseforth (2017), Amicitia in Saint Augustine’s Confessions. Between social convention and Christian morals 
    • Dr. C.M. (Michiel) van der Keur (2015), A Commentary on Silius Italicus Punica book 13. Intertextuality and Narrative Structure
    • Dr. P.J. (Paula) Rose (2011), Augustine on the relations between the living and the deceased. A Discourse-Linguistic Commentary on De cura pro mortuis gerenda
    • Dr. J.G. (Josine) Schrickx (2011), Lateinische epistemische Partikeln. Nempe, quippe, scilicet, videlicet und nimirum
    • Dr. L.W. (Lidewij) van Gils (2009), Cicero narrator. A linguistic analysis of Cicero's narrative technique in the speeches
    • Dr. S.M. (Suzanne) Adema (2008), Narrative Tenses in Virgil's Aeneid. An investigation into the interaction of grammar and discourse
  • Publications


    • Textual deixis and the ‘anchoring’ use of the Latin pronoun hicMnemosyne 70.4, 585-612 (DOI 10.1163/1568525X-12342169).



    • Miscommunications on the Via Sacra. A discourse structural analysis of Horace Satires 1.9. In: P. Anreiter, E. Mairhofer & C. Posch. (eds.), Argumenta. Festschrift für Manfred Kienpointner zum 60. Geburtstag. Wenen: Praesens-Verlag, 215-229. 


    • Member of the team of authors of Pegasus 4 Grammatica. Kalmthout: Pelckmans ISBN  978 90 289 7083 0.
    • Feit of fictie? De Vesuvius-brieven van Plinius als historische bron, lesson plan for secondary schools, VU University Amsterdam, published on  
    • Causality, coherence and Latin ´connectives´: a discourse pragmatic approach. In: Morel-Alizon, A. & J.-F. Thomas (éds.), La Causalité en Latin. Paris: L'Harmattan, 67-85. ISBN: 978-2-343-04776-8.
    • Een schatkist van A tot Z: het mondiale samenwerkingsproject van de Thesaurus Linguae Latinae. Bulletin Vereniging Classici Nederland, jaargang 39, nr. 153, p. 25-27.


    • Adema, Suzanne, Lidewij van Gils & Caroline Kroon (eds), (online teaching material Latin and Greek for secondary schools, based on the results of recent scientific research); VU University Amsterdam:
    • [together with R. de Groot, L.M. Van der Keur-Minderhoud & R. Roosenboom] Narcissus en Echo, lesson plan for secondary schools, VU University Amsterdam, published on  
    • [together with S.M. Adema, R.Roosenboom and M.Woertman] Het Latijnse Naamvalsysteem, lesson plan for secondary schools, VU University Amsterdam, published on
    • Voce voco. Some text linguistic observations on Ovid Heroides 10. Mnemosyne 65.2, 238-250 (DOI: 10.1163/156852511X547974).


    • Latin particles and the grammar of discourse. In: Clackson, James (ed.), A Companion to the Latin Language. Blackwell, 176-195.
    • [together with Mike Hannay] Le statut de l’acte dans une Grammaire Fonctionelle du Discours. In: Mohammed Jadir (ed.), Fonctionnalisme et description linguistique. Sarrebruck: Éditions Universitaires Européennes, 81-90 (ISBN 978-613-1-56187-0).


    • Kroon, Caroline en Ineke Sluiter, Het Geheim van de Blauwe Broer. Eindrapport van de Verkenningscommissie Klassieke Talen. SLO, Leiden/Enschede (68 pp.)  Isbn 928-90-865-9489-4.
    • [together with Ineke Sluiter] ‘Wij zijn niet voor een ‘gymnasium light’, NRC Handelsblad, 15 januari, p. 7.
    • Hermaphroditus op de voet gevolgd. Tekstgrammatica in de klas. Prora 15.3, 2-7.
    • Anaphoric Reference and referential choice in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. In: P. Anreiter & M. Kienpointner, Latin Linguistics Today. Akten des 15. Internationalen Kolloquiums zur Lateinischen Linguistik Innsbruck, 4.-9. April 2009, Innsbruck April 2008. Innsbruck: Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft, 583-597.


    • [together with Ineke Sluiter et al.] Tussenrapport van de Verkenningscommissie Klassieke Talen (2009). Stichting leerplanontwikkeling (SLO). Enschede (29 pp.) (
    • Text structure and referential choice in Latin narrative. The anaphoric use of the Latin demonstrative illeBelgian Journal of Linguistics 23, 115-131.
    • Latin linguistics between grammar and discourse. Units of analysis, levels of analysis. In: E. Rieken und P. Widmer (Hgg.), Pragmatische Kategorien. Form, Funktion und Diachronie. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 143-158.


    • Kroon, Caroline, Inleiding tot de Latijnse Syntaxis. Structuur van Zin en Tekst. Amsterdam University Press (176 pp.); 2nd edition 2010.
    • Discourse modes and the use of tenses in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. In: R.J. Allan & M. Buijs (eds.),  The Language of LiteratureLinguistic Approaches to Classical Texts. Leiden: Brill, 65-92.
    • Reactie op eindexamen Latijn VWO 2007. Kennisnet/kennislink 24 May 2007 (;


    • Pinkster, Harm & Caroline Kroon, Latein: eine Einführung. Heidelberg: Winter (183 pp.).
    • De fotograaf vertelt. Tekstsamenhang in Ovidius’MetamorphosenLampas 39.3, 226-245.


    • The relationship between grammar and discourse. Evidence from the Latin particle quidem. In: G. Calboli (ed.), Latina Lingua! Papers on Grammar IX 2. Roma: Herder Editrice, p. 577-590.
    • The effect of the echo. A text linguistic approach to Catullus Carmen 63. In: R. Nauta & A. Harder (eds), Catullus’ Poem on Attis. Text and Contexts. Leiden/Boston: Brill, p. 121-142.
    • [together with Mike Hannay] Acts and the relation between grammar and discourse. Functions of Language 12.1, 87-124.


    • Kroon, Caroline, (ed.) special issue on Plato (guest editor), Lampas 37.1.
    • The effect of the echo. A text linguistic approach to Catullus Carmen 63. Mnemosyne 57.5, 629-650.
    • Latin quidem and the structure of the move. In: H. Aarts, M. Hannay & R. Lyall (eds.), Words in their Places. A Festschrift for J. Lachlan Mackenzie. Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit, Faculty of Arts. ISBN 90-9018747-2, p. 199-209.
    • [together with Rodie Risselada] Iamque dies infanda aderat. Time management, historiografie en de geschiedenis van een narratieve techniek. Lampas 37.3, 191-202.
    • Scales of involvement and the use of Latin causal connectives. In: A. López Eire & A. Ramos Guerreira (eds.): Registros lingüísticos en las lenguas clásicas. (Classica Salmanticensia III). Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (Colección Aquilafuente), p. 65-86.


    • †A.M. Bolkestein, C.H.M. Kroon, H. Pinkster, H.W. Remmelink & R. Risselada (eds), Theory and Description in Latin Linguistics. Amsterdam: Gieben. (434 pp.)
    • [together with Rodie Risselada] Phasality, polarity, focality; a feature analysis of the Latin particle iam. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 16, 63-78 (special issue on particles).
    • How to write a ghost story? A linguistic view on narrative modes in Pliny Ep. 7.27. In: Shalev, D. & L. Szawicky (eds). Donum Grammaticum: Studies in Latin and Celtic Philology and Linguistics in Honour of Hannah Rosén, Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters, pp. 189-200.


    • Caroline Kroon, Communiceren in een dode taal. Of: Hoe Caesar geschiedenis schreef. Amsterdam: VU University Press (26 pp.) (inaugural speech).
    • Communiceren in een dode taal. Of: Hoe Caesar geschiedenis schreef. Lampas 34.3, 220-241.


    • Caroline Kroon & Daan den Hengst (eds.), Ultima Aetas. Time, Tense and Transience in the Ancient World. Amsterdam: VU University Press (174 pp.).
    • Het ene verhaal is het andere niet; een taalkundige kijk op teksttype in de Latijnse literatuur. Lampas 33.3, 211-234.


    • Review article of: Ans Steuten: A contribution to the linguistic analysis of business conversations within the Language/Action perspective. Delft 1988. Taalbeheersing 21.4, 324-328.
    • [together with Rodie Risselada] The discourse functions of iam. In: B. García-Hernández (ed.), Estudios de lingüística latina. Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas, pp. 417-433.


    • Discourse particles, tense, and the structure of Latin narrative texts. In: R. Risselada (ed.) Latin in use. Amsterdam: Gieben, Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology no. 8, p. 37-62.
    • A framework for the description of Latin dis­course mar­kers. Journal of Pragmatics 30, no. 2, pp. 205-223.


    • Discourse markers, discourse structure and Functio­nal Grammar. In: C.S. Butler, J.H. Con­nolly, R.A. Gatward & R.M. Vismans (eds.), Discourse and Pragmatics in Functional Grammar, Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 17-32


    • [togeteher with Paula Rose] Atrociter corruptus? The use of ‘narrative’ tenses in Ammianus Marcellinus' Res Gestae. In: R. Rissela­da et al. (eds.), On Latin. Linguistic and literary studies in honour of Harm Pinkster. Amster­dam: Gie­ben, p. 71-89.


    • Caroline Kroon, Discourse Particles in Latin. A study of nam, enim, autem, vero and at. Amsterdam: Gieben (400 pp.).


    • Want voor Simon. In: Werkgem, F.G. (ed.) Dubbel Nederlands: 23 opstellen voor Simon C. Dik. Amsterdam: IFOTT, p. 45-48.
    • Discourse connectives and discourse type: the case of Latin at. In: J. Herman (ed.) Linguis­tic studies on Latin. Amsterdam: Benjamins, p. 303-317.
    • Latijnse maar-equivalenten in narratief proza. In: R. Boogaart & J. Noorde­graaf (eds) Nauwe betrekkingen. Voor Theo Janssen bij zijn vijf­tigste verjaardag. Stichting neerlandistiek VU, Amsterdam. Münster: Nodus Publikationen, p. 129-136.


    • Bakkum, Gabriël, Caroline Kroon & Rodie Risselada (eds.) Pentecos­talia. Bundel ter gelegenheid van de vijf­tigste verjaardag van Harm. Publication University of Amsterdam (104 pp.).
    • Particula perplexa. Over veelzijdige buiten­beentjes en gefrustreerde geleerden. In: G. Bakkum et al. (eds.), Pentecos­talia. Bundel ter gelegenheid van de vijf­tigste verjaardag van Harm Pinkster. Publication University of Amsterdam p. 53-63.


    • Book notice of Calboli, G. (ed.), Subordination and other topics in Latin, Language 67.1, 171-172


    • Pinkster, Harm & Caroline Kroon, Latijn: Een eerste kennis­making. Muiderberg: Coutin­ho (185 pp.).
    • Rarum dictu: The Latin second supine construc­tion, Glotta 67, 198-228.
    • Causal connectors in Latin: The discourse func­tion of nam, enim, igitur and ergo, Cahiers de L'Institute de Linguistque de Louvain (CLL) 15.1-4, 231-243.


    • Can a man marry his widow's sister? Verslag van de `In­ternational Workshop on Discourse Proces­sing and the Representation of Cohe­rence', Tilburg, sept. 1988, Inter­disciplinair Tijd­schrift voor Tekst- en Taalkunde (TTT) 8.2., 133-143.


    • Lidewij van Gils, Irene de Jong & Caroline Kroon (eds), Textual Strategies in Ancient War Narrative. Thermopylae, Cannae and Beyond. Leiden: Brill.
    • [together with Lidewij van Gils & Irene de Jong] Introduction. In: Van Gils et al.(eds.),  Textual Strategies in Ancient War Narrative. Thermopylae, Cannae and Beyond. Leiden: Brill, 1-16.
    • [together with Lidewij van Gils] Discourse-linguistic strategies in Livy’s account of the battle at Cannae. In: Van Gils et al. (eds.),  Textual Strategies in Ancient War Narrative. Thermopylae, Cannae and Beyond. Chapter 8. Leiden: Brill, 191-233.


    • Lidewij van Gils, Caroline Kroon & Rodie Risselada (eds), Lemmata Linguistica Latina. Volume 2: Clause and Discourse. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton
    • [together with Lidewij van Gils] Engaging the audience. An intersubjectivity approach to the historic present tense in Latin. In: L.W. van Gils, C. Kroon & R. Risselada (eds), Lemmata Linguistica Latina. Volume 2: Clause and Discourse. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Miscellaneous
  • Publications


    • Kroon, C. H. M. (2024). Hoge pieken, diepe dalen. Verteltechniek in Livius’ Hannibal-boeken. Lampas, 57(1), 96-120.
    • Kroon, C. H. M. (2024). Latin Linguistics in Harm’s Way. In C. Cabrillana (Ed.), Recent Trends and Findings in Latin Linguistics: Volume I: Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics. Volume II: Semantics and Lexicography. Discourse and Dialogue (pp. 1-16). De Gruyter.
    • van Gils, L. W., & Kroon, C. H. M. (2024). Conversational strategies in non-conversational texts: the communicative structure of Cicero’s Fourth Catilinarian. In C. Cabrillana (Ed.), Recent Trends and Findings in Latin Linguistics: Volume I: Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics. Volume II: Semantics and Lexicography. Discourse and Dialogue (pp. 667-684). De Gruyter.


    • Kroon, C. H. M., & Buijs, M. (2023). Deixis and anaphora.The use of demonstratives in narrative.. Manuscript in preparation In R. Allan, & S. Adema (Eds.), The Linguistics of Classical Narrative



    • Kroon, C. (2021). Communicative Anchoring in Latin: Devices and strategies for common ground management. In A. M. Martín Rodríguez (Ed.), Linguisticae Dissertationes. Current Perspectives on Latin Grammar, Lexicon and Pragmatics: selected papers from the 20th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, June 17-21, 2019) (pp. 641-660). (Bibliotheca Linguae Latinae; Vol. 9). Ediciones Clásicas. [details]


    • van Gils, L., & Kroon, C. (2019). Discourse-Linguistic Strategies in Livy’s Account of the Battle at Cannae. In L. van Gils, I. de Jong, & C. Kroon (Eds.), Textual Strategies in Ancient War Narrative: Thermopylae, Cannae and beyond (pp. 191-233). (Amsterdam studies in classical philology; Vol. 29). Brill. [details]
    • van Gils, L., & Kroon, C. (2019). Engaging the audience: An intersubjectivity approach to the historic present tense in Latin. In L. van Gils, C. Kroon, & R. Risselada (Eds.), Lemmata Linguistica Latina. - Volume 2: Clause and Discourse (pp. 351-373). De Gruyter. [details]
    • van Gils, L., Kroon, C., & Risselada, R. (Eds.) (2019). Lemmata Linguistica Latina. - Volume 2: Clause and Discourse. De Gruyter. [details]
    • van Gils, L., de Jong, I., & Kroon, C. (2019). Introduction. In L. van Gils, I. de Jong, & C. Kroon (Eds.), Textual Strategies in Ancient War Narrative: Thermopylae, Cannae and Beyond (pp. 1-16). (Amsterdam studies in classical philology; Vol. 29). Brill. [details]
    • van Gils, L., de Jong, I., & Kroon, C. (Eds.) (2019). Textual Strategies in Ancient War Narrative: Thermopylae, Cannae and beyond. (Amsterdam studies in classical philology; Vol. 29). Brill. [details]



    • Kroon, C. (2014). Causality, coherence and Latin 'connectives': a discourse pragmatic approach. In A. Morel-Alizon, & J-F. Thomas (Eds.), La Causalité en Latin (pp. 67-85). Association Kubaba/Centre Alfred Ernout/L'Harmattan. [details]



    • Kroon, C. (2015). Miscommunications on the Via Sacra: A discourse structural analysis of Horace Satires 1.9. In P. Anreiter, E. Mairhofer, & C. Posch (Eds.), Argumenta: Festschrift für Manfred Kienpointner zum 60. Geburtstag (pp. 215-232). Praesens-Verlag. [details]



    • Kroon, C. (Author). (2014). Feit of fictie? De Vesuvius-brieven van Plinius als historische bron. Web publication or website, VU University. [details]
    • Kroon, C., de Melo, W., Mens, A., & Hillewaere, M. (2014). Pegasus Grammatica. Kalmthout: Pelckmans. [details]


    • Kroon, C. H. M., & Laseur, I. F. (2024). Emerging women. Exploring Tacitus’ narrative composition in the Annals through a narratological-linguistic lens. Paper presented at International Conference on Tacitus, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.


    • Kroon, C. H. M., & van Gils, L. W. (2016). A cognitive-linguistic approach to the Historic Present in Livy and Tacitus. Paper presented at International Conference Classics and Cognitive Theory, New York, United States.
    • Kroon, C. H. M., & van Gils, L. W. (2016). The Historic Present Tense in Latin Historiography: A cognitive and discourse-pragmatic approach. Paper presented at International Conference Societas Linguistica Europea, Naples, September 2016, Naples, Italy.

    Prize / grant

    • Kroon, C. (2017). NWO Gravitation program (co-applicant of the project Anchoring Innovation).

    Membership / relevant position

    • Kroon, C. (2024-2025). Lid adviesraad/jury Ammodo Science Award for Fundamental Research 2025, Humanities, jury Ammodo Science Award for Fundamental Research 2025.
    • Kroon, C. (2023). lidmaatschap sollicitatiecommissie Universiteit Leuven, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
    • Kroon, C. (2021). International member selection committee

      reviewer in the appointment procedure for the chair of Linguistics, University of Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck.
    • Kroon, C. (2020). international member selection committee University of BarcelonaInternational member selection committee Serra Húnter Programme, University of (…), University of Barcelona, 08007 Barcelona, Spain..
    • Kroon, C. (2009-2025). Bayerische Akademie, International Commission for the Thesaurus linguae Latinae.

    Media appearance

    • Kroon, C. & van Gils, L. W. (28-09-2018). ‘Innovation: new wine in old bottles?’ [Web]. Interview.

    Journal editor

    • Kroon, C. (editor) & van Gils, L. (editor) (2021-). Ediciones Clásicas (Publisher).
    • Kroon, C. (editor in chief) & de Jong, I. (editor in chief) (2019-2029). Brill (Publisher).
    • Kroon, C. (editor in chief), de Jong, I. J. F. (editor in chief), Heerink, M. A. J. (member of editorial board) & Allan, R. J. (member of editorial board) (2016-2030). Brill (Publisher).
    • Kroon, C. (reviewer) (2008-2020). Mnemosyne (Journal).
    • Kroon, C. (editor in chief) & de Jong, I. (editor in chief) (2007-2025). Brill (Publisher).
    • Kroon, C. (editor) & de Jong, I. J. F. (editor) (2007-2029). Brill (Publisher).
    • Kroon, C. (member of editorial board) (2007-). Mnemosyne (Journal).


    • Kroon, C. (examiner) (20-12-2024). external examinator PhD thesis (examination).
    • Kroon, C. (examiner) (27-2-2024). External examiner PhD thesis (examination).
    • Kroon, C. (participant) (2024). Organisatie jaarlijkse Hellenisten, Latinisten en Oudhistorici dag van OIKOS, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Kroon, C. (editor) (2024). Oxford Bibliographies (Journal) (peer review of a publication).
    • Kroon, C. (participant) (2024). Contribution to meeting of the International Advisory Board of the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München, Munich (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Gils, L. (organiser), Kroon, C. (organiser) & Meijer, F. (participant) (11-3-2022). Propaganda en uitsluiting: Cicero en Catilina, Amsterdam. Openingsevenement in Allard Pierson van Week van de Klassieken met medewerking van MA-studenten ACASA (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Kroon, C. (participant) & Risselada, R. (participant) (8-10-2021). Symposium on the occasion of the publication of Harm Pinkster, The Oxford Latin Syntax. Vol. II: The Complex Sentence and Discourse, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Kroon, C. (examiner) (15-9-2021). member PhD committee (examination).
    • Kroon, C. (examiner) (15-6-2021). member PhD committee (examination).
    • Kroon, C. (examiner) (9-9-2020). Member PhD committee (examination).
    • Kroon, C. (examiner) (18-12-2019). member of examination committee & opponent PhD-thesis Andrea de March, UL; title: Lost in Barbarian Translation. The Anchoring Function of the Greek models and the Poetics of Innovation in Plautine comedy. (examination).
    • Kroon, C. (organiser) & van Gils, L. (participant) (4-10-2019). Research Lab Work Package 1 Anchoring Innovation, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Kroon, C. (organiser) & van Gils, L. W. (organiser) (18-6-2019). International Workshop Communicative Anchoring in Latin, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Organisation of workshop (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Kroon, C. (other) (19-4-2019). commissielid mock-interview Zwaartekracht-voorstel UvA (other).
    • Kroon, C. (organiser) (17-11-2017 - 18-11-2017). Biannual Conference of the OIKOS Research Group 'The Language of Literature', Katwijk aan Zee (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Kroon, C. (organiser) & Risselada, R. (organiser) (23-4-2017 - 28-4-2017). 19th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, München (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Kroon, C. (organiser) & Risselada, R. (organiser) (23-4-2017 - 28-4-2017). 19th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, München (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Kroon, C. (examiner) (24-1-2017). member of examination committee & opponent PhD-thesis Saskia Willigers (examination).
    • Kroon, C. (examiner) (24-11-2016). opponent & member examination committee (examination).
    • Kroon, C. (organiser) (19-11-2016). International workshop Linguists and Narratologists Joining Forces VII, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Stienaers, D. (2025). Textual strategies in Sallust, Caesar and Tacitus: A combined discourse linguistic-narratological approach. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Luger, S. (2020). Lost in Latin translation: Teaching students to produce coherent target texts. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Osseforth, M. (2017). Friendship in Saint Augustine’s Confessiones: Between Social Convention and Christian Morals.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Uitgeverij Brill Leiden
      Series editor van The Language of Classical Literature
    • Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften
      Member of the International Committee of the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae
    • National Research School OIKOS
      lid van het bestuur
    • Stichting Ammodo
      lid van de wetenschappelijke adviescommissie