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Dr. O.E. (Olupemi) Oludare

Faculty of Humanities
Photographer: Self

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
Postal address
  • Postbus 1610
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Olupemi Oludare is an Assistant Professor of Black History in the department of History, University of Amsterdam.

    Before joining UvA, I held a postdoctoral fellowship in the Faculty of Humanities at Utrecht University from 2020 – 2022, where I contributed to the NWO-funded project "When Language has a Beat," an interdisciplinary study delving into the linguistic culture of West Africa. Prior to my time at Utrecht, I was a lecturer in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Lagos in Nigeria and served on the faculty board of studies and examinations. I also held the Catalyst non-residential fellowship at the University of Edinburgh.

  • Research Interests

    At UvA, my research focuses on modern Black history with the aim to (re)interrogate arts and culture as oral, embodied, and material sources of history, heritage, and identity. My current research explores the historical and political economy underpinnings of the ongoing discourse on decoloniality, transnationalism, and Afrofuturism within the Black (African and diasporic) communities. This research draws from a critical humanities perspective, aiming to decolonize institutions and knowledge structures by incorporating epistemologies from the Global South. With specialization in ethnomusicology and African studies, my work further examines and contributes to the role of music, language, and culture in human and social development.

  • Education


    • Africa in Modern World History: Cultures, Legacies, and Developments
    • Concepts in History - Cultural Transfers Around the Atlantic, c. 1800 to the Present
    • American studies - Usable Pasts: Music as Cultural Memory: (Re)Sounding African American Heritage
    • Bachelor's thesis working group - Popular Culture, Transnationality, and Social Transformation in Global History
    • Confronting the Anthropocene: Environmentalism in the 20th Century [co-teaching]
    • Introduction to cultural musicology: Unlearning music, learning musics [part-teaching]
    • History Lab II - Keeping the past alive accurately: Performing history through oral sources
    • Research seminar
  • Valorisation

    I love to disseminate my academic research to a wider public through community outreaches as a way of engaging in open science within the society. Through the organisation of symposia, participation in public workshops, and partnerships with cultural organisations, I contribute to research valorisation and facilitate a collaborative ecosystem between the ‘town and gown’ wherein the academic and cultural institutions and members of the society converge. In 2023 I organized a symposium titled ”Decoloniality-transnationalism-and-afrofuturism-the-dialogue”, with a subsidie from the Dutch Slavery Memorial Year program (Fonds voor Cultuurparticiptie) and in partnership with the Decolonial Dialogues@Humanities UvA and Isokan Concepts. See the seminar on YouTube here. I also organized an event titled "The Black Heritage" equally funded by the Fonds voor Cultuurparticiptie and in partnership with De Voorkamer and Isokan Concepts.

    As a cultural practitioner and performing artist, I participate in public activities and collaborations with communities of people with diverse cultural backgrounds. My musical and cultural pursuits promote intercultural communication and are deeply rooted in African philosophies such as Ubuntu and Omolúàbí, as well as indigenous knowledge systems. These include:

    • Mami Wata philosophy and oral history in West Africa and the African diaspora. Read more
    • Music and Poetry (Trills & Chills) – Read My World Literature Festival at Tuinhuis, Amsterdam. Read more
    • Arts and Culture as medium of celebration, resistance, and transformation - Black Heritage Special at De Voorkamer, Lombok, Utrecht.
    • Music and Intercultural exchange - Community Outreach at AZC, Utrecht.

    For more information into my cultural activities, please follow me on Instagram:

  • Publications


    • Oludare, O. E. (2024). Traditional practices and techniques of the àgídìgbo: (re)examining the Yoruba ‘box piano’ through African pianism theory. Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa, 21(1-2), 75-94.


    • Oludare, O. E. (2023). Towards a Generative Approach in Understanding the Kónkóló Timeline in Yoruba Music. Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication, 15.


    • Gonzalez, M., & Oludare, O. E. (2022). The Speech Surrogacy Systems of the Yoruba Dùndún and Bàtá Drums. On the Interface Between Organology and Phonology. Frontiers in Communication, 6.
    • Oludare, O. E. (2022). Street Language in Dùndún Drum Language: A Musico-Lingual Perspective on Street Cultures in Nigeria. African Music: Journal of the International Library of African Music, 11(3).


    • Oludare, O. E. (2021). Documenting and Archiving Dundun Music as a Complete Yoruba Art Tradition. Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists, 14.
    • Oludare, O. E. (2021). Yoruba Traditional Instrumental Ensemble and Indigenous Knowledge Systems. In Pathways to Alternative Epistemologies in Africa Palgrave Macmillan.


    • Oludare, O. E. (2020). The Musical and Cultural Leadership Roles of Yoruba Master Instruments. In Governance and Leadership Institutions in Nigeria Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.


    • Oludare, O. E. (2019). Highlife, Yoruba. In Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World (Vol. 12). Bloomsbury Publishing.
    • Oludare, O. E. (2019). The Interrelationship of Musical and Social Structures of Yoruba Traditional Music: A Perspective on Music as an Art. Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists, 13.


    • Oludare, O. E. (2018). Masculinity and Femininity in Yoruba Traditional Musical Instruments. Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists, 12.
    • Oludare, O. E. (2018). Preserving Indigenous Yoruba Musical Heritage: A Study of Ayinla Omo Alayan’s Apala Music. Ihafa: A Journal of African Studies.
    • Oludare, O. E. (2018). The Use of Themes and Variations in Early and Contemporary Juju Music. In Music, A Panacea for a Country in Distress: A Festschrift in Honour of Prof. A. Mereni Department of Creative Arts, University of Lagos.
    • Oludare, O. E. (2018). Theorizing the Rhythmic Pattern Employed in Yoruba Sakara Music of Nigeria. In Music, Musicology, and the Gospel in Nigeria: A Festschrift in Honour of Prof. O. Adedeji Association of Nigerian Musicologists.
    • Oludare, O. E. (2018). Yoruba Traditional Musical Instruments and Gender Stereotyping: Forms, Functions and Factors. In Fela After 1997: Challenges, Justification and Lessons for Africa’s Development Global Image Publishers.


    • Oludare, O. E. (2017). Music and Tonal Communication: Decoding and Conserving the Agidigbo Instrument in Apala Music. Unilag Journal of Humanities, 4(2).
    • Oludare, O. E. (2017). Preserving History Through Popular Music: A Study of Ebenezer Obey’s Juju Music. West African Journal of Musical Arts Education, 4(1).


    • Oludare, O. E. (2016). An Analysis of the Two Forms of the ‘Konkonkolo’ Rhythm in Sakara Music. Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists, 10.
    • Oludare, O. E. (2016). Music and Language: The Onomatopoeic Development of the Yoruba Konkolo Rhythm. Eyo Journal of the Arts and Humanities, 2(1).


    • Oludare, O. E. (2014). Compositional Techniques in Apala Music. Nigerian Theatre Journal, 14(1).


    • Oludare, O. E. (Author). (2022). Talking drums in the classroom: Enhancing Yoruba language learning using an ancient tradition. Web publication or website Advance online publication.



    • Oni, D., & Oludare, O. E. (2017). Ebenezer Obey and his Musical Activities in Lagos State. In Striking Expressions: Theatre and Culture in National Development Society of Nigeria Theatre Artists.

    Prize / grant

    Talk / presentation


    • Oludare, O. (other) (2024 - 2028). Performative musicology, sociolinguistics, and historical studies of the Global South (Research in Progress). (other).
    • Oludare, O. (other) (2024 - 2026). Arts and culture as primary sources of Black (African and Afro-diasporic) history and heritage (Research in Progress). (other).
    • Oludare, O. (other) (2024 - 2034). The Black Dialogue Series (other).
    • Oludare, O. (other) (2024 - 2030). Dutch slavery legacies and impact on the Black communities in the Netherlands and Europe (Research in Progress). (other).
    • Oludare, O. (participant) (3-11-2023). Decoloniality, Transnationalism, and Afrofuturism: The Dialogue, Amsterdam. Seminar on slavery legacies, arts and cultural heritage and what decoloniality, transnationalism, and Afrofuturism mean for the Black (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).…
    • Oludare, O. (participant) (2023). 47th International Council of Traditional Music, Accra. Conference Attendance (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Oludare, O. (participant) (2023). 9th European Conference on African Studies, Cologne. Conference Attendance (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Oludare, O. (other) (2022 - 2032). Music, Language, and Society (Research in Progress) (other).
    • Oludare, O. (participant) (2022). 46th International Council for Traditional Music, Lisbon. Conference Attendance (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Oludare, O. (other) (2021). Fieldwork - Bàtá ensemble with dancers (other).
    • Oludare, O. (other) (2021). Fieldwork - Gángan ensemble (other).
    • Oludare, O. (other) (2021). Fieldwork - Gángan ensemble with dancers (other).
    • Oludare, O. (other) (2021). Fieldwork - Dùndún ensemble (other).
    • Oludare, O. (other) (2021). Fieldwork - Dùndún ensemble with dancers (other).
    • Oludare, O. (other) (2021). Fieldwork - Bàtá ensemble (other).
    • Oludare, O. (participant) (2021). 15th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication, Riga, Latvia, Riga. Conference Attendance (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Oludare, O. (participant) (2019). European Conference on African Studies, Edinburgh. Conference Attendance (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Oludare, O. (participant) (2018). The 18th Annual Africa Conference, Austin. Conference Attendance (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Oludare, O. (participant) (2017). The 17th Annual Africa Conference, Austin. Conference Attendance (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Oludare, O. (participant) (2016). Pan African Society for Musical Arts Education, Abidjan. Conference Attendance (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
  • Ancillary activities
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