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Dr. M. (Marco) Pasi

Western esotericism
Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Geschiedenis van de Hermetische filosofie en verwante stromingen
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Room number: D1.08B
Postal address
  • Postbus 1622
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Marco Pasi is Associate Professor (UHD) in History of Hermetic philosophy and related currents. He holds a Laurea degree in Philosophy from the University of Milan, and a DEA and a PhD in Religious studies from the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Sorbonne, Paris). He has focused his research mainly on the relationship between modern esotericism and politics, modern esotericism and art, the history of the idea of magic, and on methodological issues related to the study of western esotericism. He is the editor in chief of the Aries Book Series (Brill), founding member of the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism (ESSWE). He has been co-chair of the Western Esotericism Group at the American Academy of Religion (AAR) and the General Secretary of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR).







    Marco Pasi, Aleister Crowley and the Temptation of Politics

    Acumen Publishing, 238 pp.

    ISBN 978-1844656967 

    Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) is one of the most famous and significant authors in the history of western esotericism. Crowley has been long ignored by scholars of religion whilst the stories of magical and sexual practice which circulate about him continue to attract popular interest. Aleister Crowley and the Temptation of Politics looks at the man behind the myth – by setting him firmly within the politics of his time – and the development of his ideas through his extensive and extraordinarily varied writings. Crowley was a rationalist, sympathetic to the values of the Enlightenment, but also a romantic and a reactionary. His search for an alternative way to express his religious feelings led him to elaborate his own vision of social and political change. Crowley’s complex politics led to his involvement with many key individuals, organisations and groups of his day – the secret service of various countries, the German Nazi party, Russian political activists, journalists and politicians of various persuasions, as well as other writers – both in Europe and America. Aleister Crowley and the Temptation of Politics presents a life of ideas, an examination of a man shaped by and shaping the politics of his times.




    Kabbalah and Modernity: Interpretations, Transformations, Adaptations , edited by Boaz Huss, Marco Pasi, and Kocku von Stuckrad

    ISBN-13: 978 90 04 18284 4

    The persistence of kabbalistic groups in the twentieth century has largely been ignored or underestimated by scholars of religion. Only recently have scholars began to turn their attention to the many-facetted roles that kabbalistic doctrines and schools have played in nineteenth- and twentieth-century culture. Often, and necessarily, this new interest andopenness went along with a contextualization and re-valuation of earlier scholarly approaches to kabbalah. This volume brings together leading representativesof this ongoing debate in order to break new ground for a better understanding and conceptualization of the role of kabbalah in modern religious, intellectual, and political discourse.




    Marco Pasi (ed.), Peintures Inconnues d'Aleister Crowley . La Collection de Palerme , Milan , Archè, 2008.

    ISBN-13: 978-8872522899

    Fondateur d'unenouvelle religion, magicien, poète, peintre, Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) s'installe dans les années 1920 à Cefalù, où il fonde son Abbaye de Théléma. La série de peintures présentées ici, objet d'une exposition au Palais de Tokyo, a été découverte il y a quelques années dans un village proche de Cefalù. Elle explicite l'importance de l'image et du symbole dans le domaine occulte. Son étude atteste entre autres de son lien avec le jeu de Thoth, tarot conçu par Crowley vingt ans plus tard (1938- 1942). Entre visions oniriques et hallucinations psychotropes, utopie d'un paradis primitif, l'ensemble de l'oeuvre de Crowley a influencé la contre-culture autant que la musique pop. La découverte de ces peintures est l'occasion d'interroger la complexité de cet héritage.




  • Teaching


    University of Amsterdam

    - Hermetica I: Inleiding westerse esoterie, BA course (2006-2010).

    - Hermetica III/IV: Western Esotericism since the Enlightenment, BA course (2004-2016).

    - "Occult Trajectories", MA course (2005 ['Magic and Modernity'], 2006 ['Women and gender issues in modern western esotericism'], 2007 ['Modern western esotericism and politics'], 2008 ['Western esotericism in the mirror of modern literature'], 2009 ['The esoteric in modern and contemporary art', with Tessel Bauduin]), 2010 ['A troubled relationship: Esotericism and modern science', with Egil Asprem], 2011 ['Modern western esotericism and Orientalism'], 2013 ['Modern western esotericism, secret societies and conspiracy theories'], 2014 ['Modern western esotericism and politics', with Christian J. Greer], 2015 [‘Magic and Modernity’], 2016 ['Modern western esotericism and politics'].

    - "Methods and Theory in the Study of Religion", MA course (2006-2015).

    University of Cagliari

    - "Tradizioni filosofiche e tradizioni esoteriche e magiche aconfronto", MA course (2010).

    Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes

    - "La notion de magie dans le courant occultiste anglo-saxon (1875-1914) : approches historiques et méthodologiques" (2001-2002).

    - "La construction d'un système magique dans l'occultisme anglais (1875-1900)" (2003-2004).

    ETH Zürich

    - “La religione dei moderni: figure dello spirituale nella cultura italiana tra Ottocento e Novecento”, graduate course (2014-2015).



    Study-guides of current courses

    Methods and Theory in the Study of Religion


    Occult Trajectories


    Western esotericism from the 18th to the 20th century


  • Links
  • Lectures and webinars


    Gustav Meyrink and His Esoteric Novels. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VII

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam


    Gustav Meyrink and His Esoteric Novels. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VII

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam



    The Theosophical movement. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VIII, part 1

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam



    The Theosophical movement. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VIII, part 2

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam



    The Theosophical Movement and the Construction of Esoteric Ethnic Identities in Italy (1890-1915)

    A paper presented at the conference "Theosophical Appropriations: Kabbalah, Western Esotericism and the Transformation of Traditions" (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, 16-18/12/2013)



    Bodily fluids

    A lecture presented at the Copenhagen Art Festival 2012






    The Theosophical movement. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VIII, part 1

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam


    Gustav Meyrink and His Esoteric Novels. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VII

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam



    The Theosophical movement. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VIII, part 1

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam



    The Theosophical movement. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VIII, part 2

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam



    The Theosophical Movement and the Construction of Esoteric Ethnic Identities in Italy (1890-1915)

    A paper presented at the conference "Theosophical Appropriations: Kabbalah, Western Esotericism and the Transformation of Traditions" (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, 16-18/12/2013)



    Bodily fluids

    A lecture presented at the Copenhagen Art Festival 2012






    The Theosophical movement. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VIII, part 2

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam


    Gustav Meyrink and His Esoteric Novels. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VII

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam



    The Theosophical movement. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VIII, part 1

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam



    The Theosophical movement. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VIII, part 2

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam



    The Theosophical Movement and the Construction of Esoteric Ethnic Identities in Italy (1890-1915)

    A paper presented at the conference "Theosophical Appropriations: Kabbalah, Western Esotericism and the Transformation of Traditions" (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, 16-18/12/2013)



    Bodily fluids

    A lecture presented at the Copenhagen Art Festival 2012






    The Theosophical Movement and the Construction of Esoteric Ethnic Identities in Italy (1890-1915)

    A paper presented at the conference "Theosophical Appropriations: Kabbalah, Western Esotericism and the Transformation of Traditions" (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, 16-18/12/2013)


    Gustav Meyrink and His Esoteric Novels. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VII

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam



    The Theosophical movement. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VIII, part 1

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam



    The Theosophical movement. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VIII, part 2

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam



    The Theosophical Movement and the Construction of Esoteric Ethnic Identities in Italy (1890-1915)

    A paper presented at the conference "Theosophical Appropriations: Kabbalah, Western Esotericism and the Transformation of Traditions" (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, 16-18/12/2013)



    Bodily fluids

    A lecture presented at the Copenhagen Art Festival 2012






    Bodily fluids

    A lecture presented at the Copenhagen Art Festival 2012


    Gustav Meyrink and His Esoteric Novels. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VII

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam



    The Theosophical movement. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VIII, part 1

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam



    The Theosophical movement. A webinar for the Infinite Fire series, n. VIII, part 2

    Produced by the Ritman Library in cooperation with the HHP centre at the University of Amsterdam



    The Theosophical Movement and the Construction of Esoteric Ethnic Identities in Italy (1890-1915)

    A paper presented at the conference "Theosophical Appropriations: Kabbalah, Western Esotericism and the Transformation of Traditions" (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, 16-18/12/2013)



    Bodily fluids

    A lecture presented at the Copenhagen Art Festival 2012







  • Publications




    • Pasi, M. (2021). Aleister Crowley and Islam. In M. Sedgwick, & F. Piraino (Eds.), Esoteric Transfers and Constructions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (pp. 151-193). (Palgrave Studies in New Religions and Alternative Spiritualities). Palgrave Macmillan. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2021). The Art of Esoteric Posthumousness. In L. Pokorny, & F. Winter (Eds.), The Occult Nineteenth Century: Roots, Developments, and Impact on the Modern World (pp. 159-176). (Palgrave Studies in New Religions and Alternative Spiritualities). Palgrave Macmillan. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Pasi, M. (2016). Esotericism Emergent: The Beginning of the Study of Esotericism in the Academy. In A. D. DeConick (Ed.), Religion: Secret Religion (pp. 143-154). (Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks). Macmillan. [details]



    • Pasi, M. (2014). Aleister Crowley and the Temptation of Politics. Durham: Acumen. [details]




    • Pasi, M. (2011). Anges gardiens et esprits familiers dans le spiritisme et dans l’occultisme. In J-P. Boudet, P. Faure, & C. Renoux (Eds.), De Socrate à Tintin: anges gardiens et démons familiers de l’Antiquité à nos jours: actes du colloque d'Orléans, 8 et 9 juin 2006 (pp. 249-265). Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2011). Varieties of magical experience: Aleister Crowley’s views on occult practice. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft, 6(2), 123-162. [details]



    • Pasi, M. (2023). Formas de pensamiento a posteriori: La Teosofía en el arte moderno y contemporáneo. In D. Birnbaum, J. Voss, T. Bashkoff, I. Lubelsky, L. Dalrymple Henderson, & M. Pasi (Eds.), Hilma af Klint, visionaria (pp. 105-128). (Imaginatio vera; Vol. 158). Atalanta. [details]


    • Pasi, M. (2022). L’arte di Luigi Pericle. Tra spinta postuma e visione spirituale. In A. Biasca-Caroni (Ed.), Luigi Pericle. Il maestro ritrovato (pp. 158-163). Nino Aragno Editore.
    • Pasi, M. (2022). The Art of Luigi Pericle: From Spiritual Vision to Posthumousness. In A. Biasca-Caroni, G. Biasca-Caroni, M. Mazzotta, T. Marks, J. Hall, & M. Pasi (Eds.), Luigi Pericle: A Rediscovery (pp. 75-79). Paul Holberton Publishing. [details]


    • Pasi, M. (2020). Västerländsk esoterism och modern konstnärlig kreativitet. In Hilma af Klint. Konsten att se det osynliga (pp. 99-110). Bokförlaget Stolpe.
    • Pasi, M. (2020). Western Esotericism and Modern Artistic Creativity. In K. Almkvist, & L. Belfrage (Eds.), Hilma af Klint: The Art of Seeing the Invisible (Reprint ed., pp. 99-110). Bokförlaget Stolpe.


    • Hanegraaff, W. J., Forshaw, P. J., & Pasi, M. (2019). Introduction: Thirty red pills from Hermes Trismegistus. In W. J. Hanegraaff, P. J. Forshaw, & M. Pasi (Eds.), Hermes Explains : Thirty Questions about Western Esotericism: Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the centre for History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents at the University of Amsterdam (pp. 9-12). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Hanegraaff, W. J., Forshaw, P. J., & Pasi, M. (Eds.) (2019). Hermes Explains: Thirty Questions about Western Esotericism: Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the centre for History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents at the University of Amsterdam . Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2019). Afterthought Forms: Theosophy in Modern and Contemporary Art. In K. Almqvist, & L. Belfrage (Eds.), Hilma af Klint: Visionary (pp. 93-115). Bokförlaget Stolpe. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2019). Arthur Machen’s Panic Fears: Western Esotericism and the Irruption of Negative Epistemology. In M. Valentine, & T. J. Jarvis (Eds.), The Secret Ceremonies: Critical Essays on Arthur Machen (pp. 63-83). Hippocampus Press.
    • Pasi, M. (2019). But What Does Esotericism Have To Do With Sex? In W. J. Hanegraaff, P. J. Forshaw, & M. Pasi (Eds.), Hermes Explains : Thirty Questions about Western Esotericism: Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the centre for History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents at the University of Amsterdam (pp. 207-215). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2019). Nowoczesność okultyzmu. Hermaion, (5), 9-23.


    • Pasi, M. (2018). Алистер Кроули и искушение политикой. Касталия.


    • Pasi, M. (2017). Aleister Crowley et l’islam. Politica Hermetica, 31, 101-118. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2017). Antonio Fogazzaro e il movimento teosofico: Una ricognizione sulla base di nuovi documenti inediti. In H. T. Hakl (Ed.), La ricerca della totalità: Riflessa in una biblioteca dedicata alla s\Storia delle religioni, alla filosofia e, soprattutto, all’esoterismo (pp. 231-265). (Octagon; Vol. 3). Scientia Nova. [details]



    • Pasi, M. (2015). Esoteric Experiences and Critical Ethnocentrism. In K. Almqvist, & A. Linklater (Eds.), Religion: Perspectives from the Engelsberg Seminar 2014 (pp. 131-142 ). Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2015). Hilma af Klint, Western Esotericism and the Problem of Modern Artistic Creativity. In K. Almqvist, & L. Belfrage (Eds.), Hilma af Klint: The Art of Seeing the Invisible (pp. 101-116). Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation. [details]



    • Pasi, M. (2013). Оккультизм и современность: Некоторые ключевые моменты. Государство Религия Церковь в России и за Рубежом, 2013(4 (31)), 276-296. [details]


    • Pasi, M. (2012). Theosophy and Anthroposophy in Italy during the First Half of the Twentieth Century. Theosophical History, XVI(2), 81-119. [details]


    • Huss, B., Pasi, M., & von Stuckrad, K. (2010). Kabbalah and modernity: interpretations, transformations, adaptations. (Aries book series; No. 10). Leiden: Brill. [details]
    • Huss, B., Pasi, M., & von Stuckrad, K. (2010). Introduction: Kabbalah and Modernity. In B. Huss, M. Pasi, & K. von Stuckrad (Eds.), Kabbalah and modernity: interpretations, transformations, adaptations (pp. 1-10). (Aries book series; No. 10). Brill. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2010). A gallery of changing gods: contemporary art and the cultural fashion of the occult. In The 2010 international conference Changing Gods: Between Religion and Everyday Life: cyberproceedings CESNUR. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2010). Oriental Kabbalah and the Parting of East and West in the Early theosophical Society. In B. Huss, M. Pasi, & K. von Stuckrad (Eds.), Kabbalah and modernity: interpretations, transformations, adaptations (pp. 151-166). (Aries book series; No. 10). Brill. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2010). Teosofia e antroposofia nell’Italia del primo Novecento. In G. M. Cazzaniga (Ed.), Storia d'Italia. - Annali 25: Esoterismo (pp. 569-598). (Storia d’Italia; No. 25). Giulio Einaudi editore. [details]



    • Pasi, M. (2008). Peintures inconnues d’Aleister Crowley: la collection de Palerme. Milano: Archè. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2008). Aleister Crowley, la peinture et les œuvres de la collection de Palerme. In M. Pasi (Ed.), Peintures inconnues d’Aleister Crowley: la collection de Palerme (pp. 9-22). Archè. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2008). Aleister Crowley. In M. Alizart (Ed.), Traces du sacré: catalogue publié à l’occasion de l’exposition ‘Traces du sacré' présentée à Paris, Centre Pompidou, galerie 1, du 7 mai au 11 août 2008, présentée à Munich, Haus der Kunst, du 19 septembre 2008 à 11 janvier 2009 (pp. 100-101). Centre Pompidou. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2008). Il problema della definizione dell’esoterismo: analisi critica e proposte per la ricerca futura. In A. Grossato (Ed.), Forme e correnti dell’esoterismo occidentale (pp. 205-228). Medusa. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2008). Introduction. In M. Pasi (Ed.), Peintures inconnues d’Aleister Crowley: la collection de Palerme (pp. 5-7). Archè. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2008). The knight of spermatophagy: penetrating the mysteries of Georges Le Clément de Saint-Marcq. In W. J. Hanegraaff, & J. J. Kripal (Eds.), Hidden intercourse: eros and sexuality in the history of Western esotericism (pp. 369-400). (Aries book series; No. 7). Brill. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2008). Theses de magia. Societas Magica Newsletter, 20, 1-5, 7-8. [details]


    • Pasi, M. (2007). 'Arthur Machen's Panic Fears: Western Esotericism and the Irruption of Negative Epistemology'. Aries, 7(1), 73-89. [details]


    • Pasi, M. (2006). 'Exégèse et sexualité: l'occultisme oublié de Lady Caithness'. Politica Hermetica, 20, 73-89. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2006). Aleister Crowley und die Versuchung der Politik. Graz: Ares Verlag. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2006). Aux origines du mystère des mystères: Konx Om Pax. In J. Rousse-Lacordaire, & J-P. Brach (Eds.), Etudes d'histoire de l'ésotérisme: Mélanges offerts à Jean-Pierre Laurant pour son soixante-dixième anniversaire (pp. 219-233). Paris: Les éditions du Cerf. [details]


    • Pasi, M. (2023). Varieties of Modern Enchantments. In N. Abdel Nabi, B. Fer, & L. Stamps (Eds.), Hilma af Klint & Piet Mondriaan: Forms of Life (pp. 112-113). Tate Modern Publishing.
    • Pasi, M. (2023). Vormen van moderne betovering. In N. Abdel Nabi, B. Fer, & L. Stamps (Eds.), Hilma af Klint & Piet Mondriaan: Levensvormen (pp. 112-113). Kunstmuseum den Haag - Hannibal.




    • Pasi, M. (2020). Esoteric Experiences and Critical Ethnocentrism. In K. Almqvist (Ed.), Religion: In the Past, the Present Day and the Future (pp. 161-173). Bokförlaget Stolpe. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2020). Esoteriska upplevelser och kritisk ethnocentrism. In K. Almkvist (Ed.), Religion. I historia, samtid och framtid (pp. 161-173). Bokförlaget Stolpe.
    • Pasi, M. (Author). (2020). Luigi Pericle and esotericism. Digital or Visual Products





    • Pasi, M. (2016). Coming Forth by Night. In Š. Puķīte (Ed.), Survival Kit 8 (pp. 26-29). Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art.
    • Pasi, M. (2016). Soigner l’invisible, sauver l’impossible. In T. Chaillou, M. Pasi, & G. Rageot-Deshayes (Eds.), Vidya Gastaldon: Les rescapés (pp. 65-67). (Cahiers de l'Abbaye Sainte-Croix; No. 131). Les Sables d’Olonne: Musée de l’Abbaye Sainte-Croix. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2016). The Hidden Hand. Tate Etc., 37, 88-95. [details]



    • Pasi, M. (2014). Introduction. In J. Bouman, R. Fäth, & C. van Heertum (Eds.), Beauty as the imprint of the cosmos: An exhibition of graphic art and printed books (pp. 8-11). (Hermes reeks; No. 25). In de Pelikaan. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2014). The Challenge of the Academic Soul: Promises and Risks in the Study of Western Esotericism. Theosophia, 115(1), 18-25. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2014). Vidya Gastaldon. In C. Bourgeouis (Ed.), L’illusione della luce = The Illusion of Light = L’illusion des lumières (pp. 122-131). Milano: Electa. [details]


    • Pasi, M. (2013). Aleister Crowley, Painting, and the Works from the Palermo Collection. Abraxas, 3, 64-81. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2013). La magia nella cultura occidentale: tra disincanto, modernità e arte. In G. Maraniello, & W. Guadagnini (Eds.), La grande magia: opere scelte dalla collezione UniCredit (pp. 153-162). MAMbo. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2013). Magic in Western Culture: Disenchantment, Modernity and Art. In G. Maraniello, & W. Guadagnini (Eds.), La grande magia: opere scelte dalla collezione UniCredit (pp. 163-172). MAMbo. [details]



    • Pasi, M. (2011). Breaking through to the Other Side: Contemporary Art and the Occult. In Opening Rijksakademie International Residency 2011: January 20, 2011 (pp. 3-13, 27-28). Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten. [details]


    • Pasi, M. (2010). Coming forth by night. In A. Vaillant (Ed.), Options with nostrils (pp. 103-111). Piet Zwart Institute/Sternberg Press. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2010). Correnti esoteriche occidentali. In A. Melloni (Ed.), Dizionario del sapere storico-religioso del Novecento. -vol. I (pp. 585-600). Bologna: Il Mulino. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2010). Theses de magia: a response to the responses. Societas Magica Newsletter, 24, 4-5, 7. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2010). [Review of: M. Pizza, J.R. Lewis (2009) Handbook of contemporary paganism]. Journal of Religion in Europe, 3(3), 388-392. [details]


    • Pasi, M. (2009). [Review of: S. François (2008) Le nazisme révisité: l’occultisme contre l’histoire]. Politica Hermetica, 23, 141-143. [details]


    • Pasi, M. (2008). [About: Chalk cliffs on Rügen (after Caspar David Friedrich)]. In D. Bedel (Ed.), All that is solid melts into air: notes on tourism (pp. [46]-[47]). Episode. [details]


    • Pasi, M. (2007). [Review of: K. Granholm. Embracing the Dark: The Magic Order of the Dragon Rouge]. Numen: International Review for the History of Religions, 54, 216-221. [details]


    • Pasi, M. (2006). 'La construction d'un système magique dans l'occultisme anglais (1875-1900)'. In Annuaire: Résumé des conférences et travaux (pp. 343-349). Paris: Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2006). 'La notion de magie dans le courant occultiste en Angleterre (1875-1947)'. In Annuaire: Résumé des conférences et travaux (pp. 439-441). Parijs: Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. [details]
    • Pasi, M. (2006). [Review of: J.A.A. Pacheco (2003) Los testigos del instante: Ensayos de hermeneutica comparada]. Politica Hermetica, 20, 185-187. [details]


    • Pasi, M. (2022). The Religion of Freedom and the Study of Religions in Italy. Paper presented at 19th annual conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR), Cork, Ireland.

    Prize / grant

    • Pasi, M. (2016). Max-Weber-Kolleg Co-fund Fellowship.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Pasi, M. (2022-2026). Member of the Advisory Board, Center for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences - ‘Alternative Rationalities and Esoteric Practices from a Global Perspective’, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
    • Pasi, M. (2019-). Member of the Advisory Board of the Amsterdam School of Historical Studies (ASH), .

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • Pasi, M. (speaker) (28-10-2016). The problem of secrecy in Western esotericism, Public Religions and Their Secrets, Secret Religions and Their Publics, Amsterdam.
    • Pasi, M. (speaker) (20-10-2016). Political dimensions of esotericism: nationalism between imagination, Imaginatio et actio, Cracow.
    • Pasi, M. (speaker) (10-9-2016). The Transitional Scholar: A Personal Take on the Study of Esotericism, Art, and Creativity, Trans-States: The Art of Crossing Over, Northampton.
    • Pasi, M. (speaker) (7-9-2016). Talk for the “Curators of the exhibition in conversation” session, Georgiana Houghton: Spirit Drawings, London.
    • Pasi, M. (speaker) (29-6-2016). Religious individualisation and nationalism in modern Europe through the lens of alternative spirituality and Western esotericism (1823-1939), EASR Conference 2016, Helsinki.
    • Pasi, M. (speaker) (6-2016). Mediumistic Art and the Problems of Interpretation: The Case of Georgiana Houghton (1814-1884), History of the Psychological Disciplines Seminar Series, London.
    • Pasi, M. (speaker) (26-5-2016). And never the twain shall meet: The Study of Western Esotericism and the Problem of ‘Orientalism’, Institute for Religious Studies, University of Bern.
    • Pasi, M. (speaker) (15-4-2016). Piccoli mondi antichi e visioni del futuro: Cultura italiana e teosofia tra fine dell’Ottocento e primi del Novecento, Bramosia dell’ignoto, Prague.
    • Pasi, M. (speaker) (17-3-2016). Believe Not Every Spirit: Georgiana Houghton’s Art, Now is forever lasting constant in the mind, Eindhoven.
    • Pasi, M. (speaker) (11-2-2016). Western esotericism, theosophy and the modern complex, Het Nieuwe Instituut.


    • Pasi, M. (organiser) & Wiegers, G. (organiser) (27-10-2016). Annual NGG Conference, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Pasi, M. (participant) & Wiegers, G. A. (organiser) (27-10-2016 - 28-10-2016). Public Religions and Their Secrets, Secret Religions and Their Publics, Amsterdam. NGG annual conference (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Pasi, M. (participant) & Turner, S. (organiser) (7-9-2016). Georgiana Houghton: Spirit Drawings, London (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Pasi, M. (organiser), Bang Larsen, L. (organiser) & Grant, S. (organiser) (16-6-2016 - 11-9-2016). Georgiana Houghton. Spirit Drawings, London. Curatorship of art exhibition (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Dalla Grana, G. (2024). The Towianist Inquests. The Roman Catholic Church against Romantic Messianism (1841-1859). [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam, University of Turin]. [details]
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