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Dr. S.M.J. (Sofie) Remijsen

Faculty of Humanities

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Room number: D0.07
Postal address
  • Postbus 1610
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Sofie Remijsen is associate professor of Ancient History at the University of Amsterdam since 2017. Her research focuses mainly on the culture and society of the Roman Empire, including Late Antiquity. She has a particular interest in sport and games, papyri from Egypt, and calendars and the use of time. Currently, she is leading the VIDI-project Lived Time: Using and Experiencing Time in Late-Antique Egypt.

    She studied Ancient History at KULeuven (Belgium), where she obtained a Master in 2006 and a PhD in 2012. From 2013 on, she worked for four years as Juniorprofessorin für Alte Geschichte at the University of Mannheim (Germany). Her PhD research  was published by Cambridge University Press: The End of Greek Athletics in Late Antiquity (2015).

    In recent years, Sofie Remijsen has developed a special interest in the connection between temporal practices and identity in Late Antiquity. From 2017 to 2020, she co-coordinating the DFG-network CHRONOS. From 2022 on, she is the PI of the research project Lived Time funded by the VIDI-scheme of the NWO.

    She is also one of the coordinators of the research group Cities and Settlements in the Ancient World of OIKOS and member of the editorial board of Lampas.

  • Selected publications


    S. Remijsen, The End of Greek Athletics in Late Antiquity, Cambridge 2015.

    C. Mann, S. Remijsen & S. Scharff (eds.), Athletics in the Hellenistic World, Stuttgart 2016.


    Articles & chapters

    S. Remijsen, "Living by the clock: The introduction of clock time in the Greek world," Klio 103 (2021), 1-29.

    S. Remijsen, "Sporting Time and Sporting Space," in: P. Christesen, & C. Stocking (Eds.), A Cultural History of Sport in Antiquity, London 2021, 49-68.

    S. Remijsen, "Only Greeks at the Olympics? Reconsidering the rule against non-Greeks at ‘panhellenic’ games’ ", Classica et Mediaevalia 67 (2019), 1-61.

    S. Remijsen, “The End of the Ancient Olympics and Other Contests: Why the Agonistic Circuit Collapsed in Late Antiquity,” Journal of Hellenic Studies 135 (2015), 147–164.

    S. Remijsen, “Games, Competitors and Performers in Roman Egypt,” in: W.B. Henry & P. Parsons (eds.), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri 79, London 2014, 190-206.

    S. Remijsen, “The Imperial Policy on Athletic Games in Late Antiquity,” in: Kaja Harter- Uibopuu & Thomas Kruse (eds.), Sport und Recht in der Antike, Wien 2014, 329-347.

    S. Remijsen, “Greek Athletics in Egypt: Status Symbol and Lifestyle,” in: P. Christesen & D. Kyle (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Sport and Spectacle in Greek and Roman Antiquity, Malden – Oxford 2014, 349-363.

    S. Remijsen, “The So-Called ‘Crown-Games’: Terminology and Historical Context of the Ancient Categories for Agones,” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 177 (2011), 97- 109.

    S. Remijsen, “Pammachon. A New Sport,” Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 47 (2010), 185-204.

    S. Remijsen, “The Introduction of the Antiochene Olympics: A Proposal for a New Date,” Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 50 (2010), 411-436.

    W. Clarysse, S. Remijsen & M. Depauw, “Observing the Sabbath in the Roman Empire: a Case Study,” Scripta Classica Israelica 29 (2010), 51-57.

    S. Remijsen, “Challenged by Egyptians: Greek Sports in the Third Century BC,” International Journal of the History of Sport 26 (2009), 246-271.

    S. Remijsen & W. Clarysse, “Incest or Adoption? Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt Revisited,” Journal of Roman Studies 98 (2008), 53-61.

    S. Remijsen, “The Postal Service and the Hour as a Unit of Time in Antiquity,” Historia 56 (2007), 127-140.

  • Publications


    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2024). Review of: JAMES KER, THE ORDERED DAY: QUOTIDIAN TIME AND FORMS OF LIFE IN ANCIENT ROME (Cultural Histories of the Ancient World). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2023. Journal of Roman Studies, 114.
    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2024). Review of: Sacha Stern, ed., Calendars in the Making: The Origins of Calendars from the Roman Empire to the Later Middle Ages. (Time, Astronomy, and Calendars 10.) Leiden: Brill, 2021. Speculum: A journal of mediaeval studies, 99(1), 285-287.
    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2024). The Archive after Dioscorus: The Dates of the Receipts in P. Cair.Masp. III 67325 and P. Flor. III 298 + P. Stras. VII 699. In A. Connor, J. Dijkstra, & F. Hoogendijk (Eds.), Unending Variety : Papyrological Texts and Studies in Honour of Peter van Minnen (pp. 198-206). (Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava; Vol. 42). Brill.
    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (in press). Living by the clock II. The diffusion of clock time in the early Hellenistic period. Klio. Beiträge zur alten Geschichte, 106.


    • Dekker, R., & Remijsen, S. M. J. (2023). Date Corrections to Coptic Documents. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 227, 168-170.
    • Dirven, L., Icks, M., & Remijsen, S. (Eds.) (2023). The Public Lives of Ancient Women (500 BCE-650 CE). (Mnemosyne Supplements: History and archaeology of classical antiquity; Vol. 468). Brill. [details]
    • Remijsen, S. (2023). Women on Time: Gendered Temporalities in Greco-Roman Egypt. In L. Dirven, M. Icks, & S. Remijsen (Eds.), The Public Lives of Ancient Women (500 BCE-650 CE) (pp. 158-172). (Mnemosyne Supplements: History and archaeology of classical antiquity; Vol. 468). Brill. [details]


    • Gerbrandy, P., & Remijsen, S. (2022). Van de gastredactie: De Late Oudheid. Lampas, 55(3), 205-224. [details]
    • Remijsen, S. (2022). Business as Usual? Sunday Activities in Aphrodito (Egypt, Sixth to Eighth Century). In U. Heil (Ed.), From Sun-Day to the Lord's Day: The Cultural History of Sunday in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (pp. 143-186). (Cultural encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages; Vol. 39). Brepols. [details]
    • Remijsen, S. (2022). The Emperor Never Rests. In U. Heil (Ed.), From Sun-Day to the Lord's Day: The Cultural History of Sunday in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (pp. 93-96). (Cultural encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages; Vol. 39). Brepols. [details]





    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2015). The End of Greek Athletics in Late Antiquity. (Greek Culture in the Roman World). Cambridge University Press.
    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2015). Looking at Athletics in the Fourth Century. The Unification of the Spectacle Landscape in East and West. In R. Dijkstra, S. van Poppel, & D. Slootjes (Eds.), East and West in the Roman Empire of the Fourth Century. An End to Unity? (pp. 121-146). Brill.
    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2015). The End of the Ancient Olympics and Other Contests: Why the Agonistic Circuit Collapsed in Late Antiquity. Journal of Hellenic Studies, 135, 147-164.
    • Remijsen, S. M. J., & Scharff, S. (2015). The Expression of Identities in Hellenistic Victor Epigrams. Classics@, 13.


    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2014). Games, Competitors and Performers in Roman Egypt. In W. B. Henry, & P. Parsons (Eds.), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri 79 (pp. 190-206). London.
    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2014). Greek Athletics in Egypt: Status Symbol and Lifestyle. In P. Christesen, & D. Kyle (Eds.), A Companion to Sport and Spectacle in Greek and Roman Antiquity (pp. 349-363). Wiley-Blackwell.
    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2014). The Imperial Policy on Athletic Games in Late Antiquity. In T. Kruse, & K. Harter-Uibopuu (Eds.), Sport und Recht in der Antike (pp. 329-347). Vienna: Verlag Holzhausen.


    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2012). ‘Blushing in Such Company’? The Social Status of Athletes in Late Antiquity. In D. Brakke, D. Deliyannis, & E. Watts (Eds.), Shifting Cultural Frontiers in Late Antiquity (pp. 199-209). Farnham: Ashgate.


    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2011). The So-Called ‘Crown-Games’: Terminology and Historical Context of the Ancient Categories for Agones. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 177, 97-109.


    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2010). Challenged by Egyptians: Greek Sports in the Third Century BC. In Z. Papakonstantinou (Ed.), Sport in the Cultures of the Ancient World. New Perspectives (pp. 98). Abingdon/New York: Routledge.
    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2010). Pammachon. A New Sport. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, 47, 185.
    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2010). The Introduction of the Antiochene Olympics: A Proposal for a New Date. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 50, 411.
    • Remijsen, S. M. J., Clarysse, W., & Depauw, M. (2010). Observing the Sabbath in the Roman Empire: a Case Study. Scripta Classica Israelica, 29, 51-57.


    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2009). Challenged by Egyptians: Greek Sports in the Third Century BC. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 26, 246-271.
    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2009). The alytarches, an Olympic agonothetes. Nikephoros, 22, 129-143.


    • Remijsen, S. M. J., & Clarysse, W. (2008). Incest or Adoption? Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt Revisited. Journal of Roman Studies, 98, 53-61.


    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2007). The Postal Service and the Hour as a Unit of Time in Antiquity. Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, 56, 127-140.


    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2024). Review of: S.M.J. Remijsen: Woolf, The Life and Death of Ancient Cities 147 Greg Woolf: The Life and Death of Ancient Cities. A Natural History. Oxford: Oxford UP 2020. XVII, 499 S. 30. Gnomon : kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft, 96(2), 147-150.


    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2023). Review of: Alison Futrell/Thomas F. Scanlon (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press 2021. Plekos - Elektronische Zeitschrift für Rezensionen und Berichte zur Erforschung der Spätantike, 25, 461-466.


    • Remijsen, S. (2022). [Bespreking van: E. Huig, I.N.I. Kuin, M. Liebregts (2022) De huid van Cleopatra : Etniciteit en diversiteit in oudheidstudies]. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 135(2/3), 319-320. [details]
    • Remijsen, S. M. J., & Gerbrandy, P. S. (Eds.) (2022). Lampas 55.3: Themanummer Late Oudheid. Amsterdam University Press.


    • Remijsen, S. (2020). Das Kalenderbuch von 354 n. Chr. und das Weihnachtsdatum. In R. Färber, & R. Gautschy (Eds.), Zeit in den Kulturen des Altertums : Antike Chronologie im Spiegel der Quellen (pp. 597–609). Böhlau Verlag. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Remijsen, S. (2020). Die Kalenderkorrektur des Augustus nach Macrobius. In R. Färber, & R. Gautschy (Eds.), Zeit in den Kulturen des Altertums : Antike Chronologie im Spiegel der Quellen (pp. 529-539). Böhlau Verlag. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Remijsen, S. (2020). Journal eines römischen Militärpostens. In R. Färber, & R. Gautschy (Eds.), Zeit in den Kulturen des Altertums : Antike Chronologie im Spiegel der Quellen (pp. 557–564). Böhlau Verlag. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Remijsen, S. (2020). Multiple Datierungen in einer spätantiken Papyrus-Urkunde. In R. Färber, & R. Gautschy (Eds.), Zeit in den Kulturen des Altertums : Antike Chronologie im Spiegel der Quellen (pp. 619–628). Böhlau Verlag. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Remijsen, S. (2020). [Review of: K. Sessa (2018) Daily Life in Late Antiquity]. Early Medieval Europe, 28(4), 685-686. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Remijsen, S. (2017). [Review of: P. Scholz, D. Wiegandt (2015) Das kaiserzeitliche Gymnasion]. Latomus, 76(4), 1151-1153. [details]


    • Remijsen, S. M. J., Mann, C., & Scharff, S. (Eds.) (2016). Athletics in the Hellenistic World. Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag.


    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2015). Review of: Andreas Gutsfeld – Stephan Lehmann (Hgg.), Der gymnische Agon in der Spätantike, Gutenberg: Computus Druck Satz & Verlag 2013. Klio. Beiträge zur alten Geschichte, 97, 828-830.


    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2013). [Review of: A. S. Chankowski, L’éphebie hellénistique. Étude d’une institution civique dans les cités grecques des îles de la Mer Égée et de l’Asie Mineure, Paris: De Boccard 2010]. Classical Review, 63, 163-165.
    • Remijsen, S. M. J., & Papakonstantinou, Z. (2013). The Annual Bibliography of Sport in Antiquity 2013. Nikephoros, 26, 305-340.


    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2012). The Annual Bibliography of Sport in Antiquity 2012. Nikephoros, 25, 265-290.


    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2009). Proactieve sportpolitiek in de Oudheid. Het voorbeeld van de Ptolemaeën. Handelingen Koninklijke Zuidnederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal- en Letterkunde en Geschiedenis, 63, 169-187.


    • Remijsen, S. M. J. (2008). Het broer-zushuwelijk in Romeins Egypte. Historica, 31, 19-21.


    Prize / grant

    • Remijsen, S. (2021). VIDI-project "Lived Time. Using and Experiencing Time in Late Antique Egypt".

    Membership / relevant position

    • Remijsen, S. (2018-2021). Coördinator of research group 'Cities and Settlements in the Ancient World'/Member of research council, Research School OIKOS.
    • Remijsen, S. (2017-2020). Coordinator of research network, DFG-Netwerk CHRONOS.

    Journal editor

    • Remijsen, S. (member of editorial board) (2018-2021). Lampas (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Remijsen, S. (speaker) (4-7-2023). The weekly 'rest' in the late antique Roman world, Exploring 'rest' in ancient Jewish and Early Christian contexts, Nijmegen.
    • Remijsen, S. (speaker) (21-10-2022). Lived Time: Coping with change by means of temporal practices, Daily life in changing times. The agency of ordinary people in Late Antiquity, Amsterdam.
    • Remijsen, S. (speaker) (26-8-2022). The Times of Taxation and the Rhythm of Life, 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Venice.
    • Remijsen, S. (speaker) (16-7-2021). Greco-Roman Clocktime: the Role of the Military and Masculinity for the Diffusion and Use of a New Temporal Mode, International conference "Temporalities of Threatened Orders", Tübingen.
    • Remijsen, S. (speaker) (22-6-2021). Het einde van de Olympische Spelen: de schuld van het Christendom?, KNAW webinar: De Olympische Spelen van toen tot nu.
    • Remijsen, S. (speaker) (23-4-2021). Clock time in the Hellenistic period: the diffusion of an innovation, Workshop internazionale “Misura e percezione del tempo nella città antica: riflessioni a partire dalla nuova meridiana eburnea da Pisa”, Pisa.
    • Remijsen, S. (speaker) (9-3-2020). Alexandria and the Diffusion of Clock Time, Time and Society in Ancient Cultures, Amsterdam.
    • Remijsen, S. (speaker) (14-2-2020). Het einde van de Olympische Spelen, Olympia binnenstebuiten gekeerd, Amsterdam.
    • Remijsen, S. (speaker) (21-1-2020). Games and gymnasia in late-antique Asia : the challenges posed by the evidence, GymnAsia, Bordeaux.
    • Remijsen, S. (speaker) (12-10-2019). Daily Life on Sundays, From Sun-Day to the Day of the Lord, Vienna.
    • Remijsen, S. (speaker) (20-12-2018). Seks of geen seks? Vrouwen en macht in het latere Romeinse Rijk, Aertse Zaken, Amsterdam.
    • Remijsen, S. (invited speaker) (8-12-2018). Wat zegt het lichaam van de atleet?, NKV-themadag: Let’s get physical: lichamelijkheid in de Oudheid, Leuven.
    • Remijsen, S. (invited speaker) (20-9-2018). Athletes as Christian sinners?, Athletics and Identity in ancient and modern cultures, Saint Andrews.
    • Remijsen, S. (speaker) (11-6-2018). The situational significance of hours. The social contexts of hour notations in Greek papyri, The Day Unit in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Jerusalem.
    • Remijsen, S. (speaker) (25-5-2018). The timing of Greek sporting festivals, Social Time in the Ancient World: Rhythms and Rituals, Amsterdam.
    • Remijsen, S. (speaker) (3-5-2018). The End of Greek Athletics. Are the Christians to Blame?.


    • Remijsen, S. (organiser) & Slootjes, D. (organiser) (21-10-2022). Daily life in changing times. The agency of ordinary people in Late Antiquity, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Remijsen, S. (organiser) (9-3-2020 - 11-3-2020). Time and Society in Ancient Cultures, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Remijsen, S. (participant) (17-5-2019). Work-in-progress meetingCities and Settlements in the Ancient World, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Remijsen, S. (organiser), Flohr, M. (organiser) & Zuiderhoek, A. (organiser) (7-12-2018). Kick-off Meeting Research Group Cities and Settlements in the Ancient World, Leiden (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Remijsen, S. (participant) (2-11-2018 - 4-11-2018). Closed meeting of network Chronos, Karlsruhe (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Remijsen, S. (organiser) (24-5-2018 - 26-5-2018). Social Time in the Ancient World: Rhythms and Rituals, Amsterdam. Organisation of the conference: Social Time in the Ancient World. Rhythms and Rituals (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Marácz, L. (chair), Pas, N. G. (participant), Remijsen, S. M. J. (participant), Oonk, G. (participant), Rewijk, D. (participant) & Van Hilvoorde, I. (participant) (1-12-2017). Sports and Identity, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Schiemann, K. (2024). Animal hunts in late antiquity: Continuities and changes between the 4th and 6th century AD in the east of the Roman empire. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Fauconnier, B. (2018). Ecumenical synods: The associations of athletes and artists in Roman empire. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities