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Dr L.K. (Lisa) Skwirblies

Lisa Skwirblies is Assistant Professor of Theatre Studies at the University of Amsterdam. She is a theatre historian with a specific focus on the entanglements of performance aesthetics and European colonial expansionism. She completed her PhD at the University of Warwick in 2018.
Faculty of Humanities
Theatre Studies

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16-18
Postal address
  • Postbus 93065
    1090 BB Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Lisa Skwirblies is Assistant Professor of Theatre Studies at the University of Amsterdam. She is a theatre historian with a specific focus on the entanglements of performance aesthetics and European colonial expansionism. She completed her PhD at the University of Warwick in 2018.

  • Publications


    • Skwirblies, L. K. (2024). From Cape Workers and ‘Carriers of Culture’: Migration, Citizenship, and Race in the German Empire. In B. Szymanski-Düll, & L. Skwirblies (Eds.), European Theatre Migrants in the Age of Empire: Personal Experiences, Transnational Trajectories, and Socio-Political Impacts (pp. 139-153). (Theatre and Migration). Palgrave Macmillan.
    • Skwirblies, L. K. (2024). Katrin Sieg. Decolonizing German and European History at the Museum. Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies, 60(4), 409-411.
    • Skwirblies, L. K., & Szymanski-Düll, B. (2024). European Theatre Migrants in the Age of Empire: Personal Experiences, Transnational Trajectories, and Socio-Political Impacts. (Theatre and Migration). Palgrave Macmillan.


    • Sharifi, A., & Skwirblies, L. (2023). Ist die deutsche Theaterwissenschaft (post)kolonial? Ein Plädoyer für eine Anerkennung von bestehenden, aber marginalisierten Wissensbeständen! Forum Modernes Theater, 34(2), 203-213., [details]
    • Sharifi, A., & Skwirblies, L. (2023). »Man kann nicht behaupten, dass die Arbeit wie eine Bombe einschlug«: Christopher Balmes postkoloniale Forschung und die deutsche Theaterwissenschaft. In U. Otto, D. Roesner, & B. Szymanski-Düll (Eds.), Theaterwissenschaft postkolonial, intermedial, neoinstitutionell : Christopher Balme in der Re-Lektüre (pp. 41-60). (Theater). Transcript . [details]




    • van der Zalm, R. G. C., Franzen, R. A., & Skwirblies, L. K. (2025). Hoe verzamel je 'theater' en wat doe je er vervolgens mee? In H. van Keulen, S. van den Berg, R. Milco Feijnenbuik, A. Krans, L. Sterenborg, R. van der Zalm, & D. Zijp (Eds.), Theater verzamelen: (On)grijpbaar erfgoed (pp. 14). WBooks.


    • van der Zalm, R. G. C., Franzen, R. A., & Skwirblies, L. K. (2025). How to collect theatre and what to do with it. In H. van Keulen (Ed.), Collecting Theatre (pp. 19-31). WBooks.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Skwirblies, L. (2024-2027). I became co-convenor of the IFTR Theatre Historiography Working Group, Theatre Historiography Working Group of the IFTR.
    • Skwirblies, L. (2023-2024). Chair of the OC of the MA Arts and Performance Research, .
    • Skwirblies, L. (2023-2024). Together with Azadeh Sharifi, Ann-Christine Simke and Anika Marschall I founded the research network Neue kritische Theaterwissenschaft (new critical (…), Neue kritische Theaterwissenschaft.
    • Skwirblies, L. (2018-2024). I am a member of the Theatre Historiography Working group of the International Federation of Theatre Research, Theatre Historiography Working Group of the IFTR.

    Talk / presentation

    • Skwirblies, L. (speaker) (19-9-2024). Performing German Empire. Theater ordnen in den Kolonialarchiven des Kaiserreichs, Theater Ordnen, Berlin.
    • Skwirblies, L. (speaker) (26-9-2023). Embodied Fabulation - Dancing the Archive Brown in Amanda Pina's "Exotica", Northwestern University.
    • Skwirblies, L. (speaker) (23-2-2023). Where do we go from here? Reflections on postcolonial theatre studies in Germany, Deconstructing the Doll's house, Munich.


    • Skwirblies, L. (other) (11-2024). Boardmember of Stichting Showmachine (Joachim Robbrecht) (other).
    • Skwirblies, L. (participant) (24-7-2023). International Federation of Theatre Research (IFTR), Accra (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Skwirblies, L. (participant) (11-1-2023). Ist die deutsche Theaterwissenschaft (post)kolonial? Online book-presentation. Online bookpresentation of the book I co-edited together with Azadeh Sharifi called "Theaterwissenschaft postkolonial/dekolonial" (transcript 2022) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
  • Ancillary activities
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