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The ASH Valorisation Prize 2020-2021 has been awarded to Anique Hamelink by the ASH Advisory Board.

Anique is a PhD candidate at ASH, working on her doctoral thesis 'Dress, gender and cultural identity in the north-western provinces of the Roman Empire', a project funded as part of the Anchoring Innovation project of the national research school OIKOS. Anique is an expert on clothing, jewelry and hairstyles in the Roman Imperial period, and dedicated to researching and creating historically accurate Roman clothing and jewelry. She has contributed to numerous events about the ancient world aimed at the general public, and more recently has lent her expertise for a 3D facial reconstruction of a mummy at the National Museum of Antiquities. The TV-show Het Verhaal van Nederland is broadcasted by NTR on NPO 1, and Anique has advised the crew on clothing and appearance of Roman characters in episode three about Romans and the early Middle Ages. She has also contributed to another tv show that is broadcasted on NPO: for In Levenden Lijve episode one about Cleopatra, Anique is interviewed while she is preparing a Cleopatra hairstyle. Lastly, Anique is also the designer of Roman-type jewelry via her company Just Classic.

A.M. (Anique) Hamelink MA

Faculty of Humanities
