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UvA Classics researcher, poet and essayist Piet Gerbrandy is one of six new members of the Society of Arts, part of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). The new members will be installed on 31 March 2022 in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam.
portait Piet Gebrandy

Piet Gerbrandy published a dozen poetry collections and essays on Classics and Dutch poetry and is also member of the editorial board of De Gids. As translator Greek and Latin he translated among other works Institutio Oratoria by Marcus Fabius Quintilianus from Latin (2001). For a long time he was a Classics teacher at secondary schools and co-author of various textbooks for the final exam Greek language and literature. Since 2006, he teaches Classical and Medieval Latin at the University of Amsterdam and Latin poetry from Late Antiquity is his main research topic.