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The Faculty of Humanities invites applications for PhD Finishing Fellowships, tenable from January 1, 2023. Deadline for applications: October 15, 2022.

Each fellow will be offered a temporary contract as a PhD for 0,5 fte and for a period of up to 12 months. They are required to deliver a completed dissertation (defined as "dissertation submitted to the examination committee") by the end of the fellowship period. In principle, we expect the fellow to reside in the Netherlands during the period of the fellowship.


Only PhD candidates who are currently registered as self-funded PhD candidate at one of the AIHR Research Schools, and have been registered as such for the past two years are eligible to apply.

Applications by PhD candidates who have previously received a PhD fellowship or any multi-year scholarship aimed at obtaining a PhD from a university, funding body or other institution, in the Netherlands or abroad, will not be considered.

If you have any doubts or questions regarding your eligibility, please contact Dr. Eloe Kingma ( In ambiguious cases the Faculty Research Director will make a decision.

To apply, the selection committee requests:

  • a description of the PhD project (max. 500 words)
  • a full academic CV
  • a detailed overview of the chapters that have been written to date (including a word count for each chapter)
  • a month-by-month schedule of the work to be carried out during the fellowship
  • a PDF containing the complete text of all chapters written to date
  • a letter of recommendation from both supervisors, which needs to comment on the current status of the candidate’s project and the viability of completing the project by the end of the fellowship period.

Applications will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:

  • the current status of the project and the viability of finishing the dissertation within the allotted time
  • the track record of the candidate, based on the CV and the progress of the project over the previous years
  • the track record of the supervisory team where it concerns the timely finishing of their PhD candidates

Please send your application to the secretary of the committee, Dr. Eloe Kingma (email: by October 15, 2022. Applications will be assessed by a review committee. The committee will try to reach a decision by December, the fellowships will start on January 1, 2023.