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Maartje van Gelder has been awarded a Vici grant from the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). NWO has awarded Vici grants worth up to €1.5 million to pursue research into topics ranging from political masculinities to tension in blood vessels. The grants will enable the laureates to develop innovative lines of research and set up their own research groups over the next five years.

Daily Bread. Or: who owns the past?

Maartje van Gelder

Van Gelder will investigate how regular people, men and women, influenced politics before they had the right to vote. And how their stories were recorded or silenced in the archive, thus determining how history has been written. She will do so by examining food protests, often led by women, in Dutch, Italian and Ottoman cities in the period between 1500-1800, when the Little Ice Age caused bad weather, poor harvests, and frequent famines.

About the grant

Vici is one of the largest scientific grants for individuals in the Netherlands and targets advanced researchers. The funding enables academics to pursue research of their own choice. This gives innovative research a boost and encourages the promotion of talent at scientific research institutes. Overall, 35 Vici grants were awarded by NWO.